Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/123

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96 FOHTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 186, 187. 1882. Public building. and cause to be erected thereon, a suitable building, with tire-proof Sim- vaults therein, for the accommodation of the post-office, i11@erual revenue offices, and other government offices, at the city of C0ll1l(:ll I}lutfs, State,estimatcs, of Iowa,. The plans, specifications, and full estimates for szud budding °°¤*· shall be previously made and approved according to law, and shall noi; exceed for the site and building complete the sum of one hundred thou- Prods:. sand dollars: Provided, That; the site sha.11 leave the building uuexposed to danger from fire in adjacent buildings by an open space of ncl; less than forty feet, including streets and alleys; and uo money approprmted Title. for this purpose shall be available until a valid title to the site for said building shall be vested in the United States, nor nut;] the State of Iowa shall have ceded to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remsun the ' owiners thereoi; for all purposes except the administration of the cmminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein. zélpproved, May 25, 1882. May 25, I33Q_ CHAP. 187.-An act to provide for erectiou of a public building at Detroit, -—t—-i- C gill]. Be it enacted I4; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United encmir, Mich; States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Public l>¤ildi¤8· Treasury be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to purchase a. suitable lot: of land in tho city of Detroit, and cause to be erected on the

  • ground so purchased a building suitable for the accommodation of the

courts of the United States, of the custom-house, post:-office, pension P¤>vi··¤>•- office and other Government offices in that city : Provided, That if the said Secretary shall deem it advisable and economical to do so, he may, instead of purchasing an entire lot, buy suifcieut land adjoining the ground on which the United States government building now stands, and erect tho building herein provided for on said land, using such portion of the said building, or material thereof, as may be profitably done : frovided, further, That no money appropriated for this purpose Tim. shall be available until a. valid title shall be vested in the United ·· States, nor until tho State of Michigan shall code to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the land so purchased, during tho time the United States shall be or remain the owners thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of sz1d State and the service of civil process therein; and the site shall be of sujiicieut extent to leave an open space on all sides of the building to be erected, including streets and alleys, of at least forty feet Conditional me Sec. ’l`wo.—That the Secretary of the Treasury, in case he shall select °f U¤i¤¤i $*•¤=¤ and purchase alot of ground of sufficient: extent, irrespective of aud P’°!’°”Y· not including the site now occupied by the United States as a postodico site, shall be authorized and directed to sell, at public sale, for cash, after thirty doys’ advertisement of the time, place, and terms of sale, and after the erection of the building provided for in tho preceding section, the property in the city of Detroit now owned by the United States and occupied by the United States courts, the customhouse, the post-oiilco, and other offices of the United States; and tho

 money received from such sale shall be covered into the Treasury of

"°'“°• the United States: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury, in any and every case of an attempted sale, shall be authorized and empowered to reject any bid which in his opinion shall be less than the value of said premises, and re-offer them for sale in the manner above provided for until the said premises shall bring a fair price. qos; of gate md Sec. THREE.-That the cost of the lot of ground, in case sm entire new l>·¤¤¤¤z hmm lot slmll be purchased, and the building to be erected thereon as heroin provlded, shall not exceed the sum of six hundred thousand dollars; and m case the Secretary of the Treasury shall purchase adjoining