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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/187

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160 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 284, 285. 1882. tribe of Indians, and to be expended for the benefit of the said Indians in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior may direct. might dway. Sec. 3. That the right of way over the land relinquished by said agreemnt to the United Stagezh for the cpnstrnction of said Northern Pacific ` , an the use 0 e severe parcels of land so relinquished intended to be used for depots, stations, sidings, and so forth, for said railroad, are hereby granted to said Northern Pacific Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, for the uses and purposes in said agreement set forth; but the land, or any part thereof, relinquished to the United States by said agreement shall not be used for railroad purposes by or forthe said Northern Pacino Railroad Company, its successors or assigns, except upon the condition precedent that the said company, its successt to an ers o:)?:gns, edlags from tlée taking eifect oft; this fict, P¤¥¤•¤¤ tates said m n - - HMM 8**** ganid dollars hereby appropariatlgd to be paid by Elie U)ni:di,S1tyaues7(f¢:;r the ’ lands relinquished to the United States by said agreement, and shall within the same time tile with the Secretary of the Interior its written 'i of bghe ng; tlgdsfction; nor shall saidblund, or any . _ ereof, _ con mu u or railroad purposes _ f *4 I" Northern Pacilie Railroad Company, its successors or assiggls, elrggpt _ upon the further condition that said company, its successors or assigns, D¤¤¤s¤•~ yall nay any and all damages which the United States or said Indians, ‘ individually or in theintribal capacity, or any other Indians lawfully occupying said reservation, may sustain by reason or on account of the act or acts of said company, its successors or assigns, its agents or employes, orcfonugsconnt of iltrle; olxliraiggng bylor in the lcconstructioré or _ ma caseso recovre’ §ywu¤u¢;t);hesnCi‘ler.n§(€»:?vil;;iittar1:dhii)vi1:1gjmisMcnI¢}n of the ssmouiilt Pr•vi••. torney iii the name of the United States: Iéhat nthtcggaidzlliniiéd States attorney may accept such sum of moneyin satisfaction of any suchmgnryordainages as in_his discretion may be just; and if so accepted or action atits mcczmmeliéclecel, no isn? ortaction tshalltllie mem _ ¤¤°°P_ wd men o sm o ‘ same S. bedmmissed at the cost of said company, its sudccesgblits of- Honeyaacecptsd Sec.!-. Thatallmoneys acoe ted vered mvig •

,··~·»···»·=mm;; g section tn., or pm act .1..ii t.°Z.,€*.‘&.i i..a“2i1L“T¥L‘L,£r, ..r‘°n'I2

W, if bs al, nxted and ifaccepted orrecovered on accouutofdamages suscsgsqemuagimdby Indiansasaforesaid theyshall be lacedtoth red' _ wIMi¤¤;¤-ofaaidlndiusin thirtaibal-name; t be P Be It ,,1,;;,,, nbtheluuimfu me _ , 0 _ 6¥DODd.€d by the Secretary _ beneiit of said Indians m such manner as he ma { mm; except in tue case or an mcmauai inamy, lakh8mm. 00 mto theilreasnryshall beexpendodforhis Arrwvcd. July 10, nasa July ll, IQ. CRAP. 2BQ.-—A.n act making a 'ati · ‘”""""‘ £'2iX‘.§’2§.°‘*’ °‘ "°" *"’·°*· *i)¤Pm~2’$i•ii·$·1’°»‘$'3°?¤?·°K·'3Z£*.i°am"“‘ M; $ Ba ’t enacted 3,,,,, . l,,,,..,,...,..,.., aa.; of im? !."‘¤.».,J£.‘£4'{2$}‘§;° °’J¤i,’S7,"{‘*i”‘“""°‘ °’ *’*° ”*“··' mnhmhud 0,. so puck thuwfu mybc n , bg, andwshgiz thousand dollars, . f,, N., ,,_ p¤»»····»=¤·¤. ·»¤• or my ¤»¤e·” n“'”¢“¤'t"r»—e¤.m ¤..é"’¥‘i.‘* ""'°"’· “’* — 1,•.,y,;¤.1_,;.,,,m. prmiefl, fo¤‘ the purpose of macadamiziu a road im 0 umm appro. _ ntery, eu. Albany, in the State of Indiana to the nagti ul m the mty Qt New P*¤¤·¤· to be expended under the direction of the 3% cemetary new and Qty, That no pghrtgfsaid sum shall be expended fmtiiygbifolivwljiy mm an t ._ . 0 s Y Pm` ° bil flprmded unless the entire improvement can bc