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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/189

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V ]62 _ FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 288-290. 1882. in District of C¤· een hundred and seventy-nine, and on all special assessments due the

  • '”°b*°- District of Columbia, shall be six per centum per annum in lieu of the

Praise. rate and penalties now iixed by law, Provided, This act shall only apply to taxes and assessments paid on or before the first day of November, eighteen hundred and eighty-two. Approved, July 12, 1882. July 12, 1&. CHAP. 289.-An act to more eifectually punish house-breaking in the District of ··-—·······— Columbia, and for other purposes. , Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Pnhimtut for State: of America in Congress assembled, That every person, his aiders mmgci 1%}. abettors, and counselors, who shall either in the night or day, break and cdambil enter, or who shall in the night-time enter without breaking into any dwelhng-house, bank, store, warehouse, shop, stable, or other building · or any vessel, canaldzoat, or_ other water craft, or any railroad car, in _ ggembumct of Columhtila, with mtplntiw to commit guy larceny or other y ormxsdemmnor erem, s a imprisone not more than ten years. Sec. 2. That every person who shall enter d ellin -h b nk store, warehouse, shop, stable, or other buildihbg di- anygve(::li7c=:1a1Z boat, or other water craft, or any railroad car, or any yard where lumber, coal, or any sort of goods and chattels are deposited and kept for the purpose of trade in the District of Columbia, with the intent malie10usly_to mjure or destroy any of thebuildings, vessels, boats, or ears, ` aforesaid, or any part thereof, or any property or effects deposited or kept therein, or any property or effects deposited or kept in or upon any

  • .32 i$.'..‘;‘¥.‘§‘§'E i£§°,'11‘.“’·“‘°";.r‘f.“" “.£‘“" °' “““"’*“§E’ lf"‘°..“f""»i§fi

_, _ muses upon eonvicn s ` !¤P**•°¤¤¤*· be imprisoned not more than hfteen yeais. ’ This shall not allieet any ofense committed or indictment found Approved, July 12, 1882. Jin! R15 CHAP.290.~An acttoeuabl national-amocia 'ous ‘ ...__,_______°xis;m“’ “d r h foexteudthexrcorporate . Be it ended by the Senate and House ‘ · y,,,,,., hi g _ _ e of Repreeentatwes o the Umied mma,.,,'.. as Oosgress assembled, That any natiodal banking authorised to q. ulceration orgmmsd under the acts of February twenty-fifth eighteen ggtqmu ex. and dxty-thre:,Ju]ae third eighteen hundred and dixty-four, 12 Sup, mg time m,°m¤_“'“7 hf°u*¤¤¤ _, hundred and eighty, or under see- 1;: 3:,,,, four Mt}-gte h uudredaggdz lihayone hundred and thirty- ' a .,. 1 D8 . _ · . R.s.g1;:x,sss, and fifty4me hundred and fifty fom` otft{h‘¢;mR:vised utidlli, KS-»¤5¤.m umu: sms, my mm tim or S 9 ° g_S_5l_,;,_9m_ the dm f the 2 _ y _ e wi m the two years next previous to K S_5m6_9w_ _ e o expiration of its corporate existence under present law R. s. am, ous. Bud with the approval of the Comptroller of the Curren to gran ’ d or www zgtltgzgiggdw pil;>t\;i)dle%re‘1:teud it? period of sucecssionchy arhgndinéitk _ _ 38%% _ . erm o not more than twenty ears from th expiration of the period of succession named‘ y‘ 0 ciation, and shall have succession fo h ui Eid armies of Mw Fmhiwn of :?3;¤§PJ;lz¤I3wtb5£r;h;e°han of 8h8l‘8lfoli;:;’S gvrfingmiwlfihzgdguglzsg °‘:;"’°*"°; _ or émiess hereafter? modih£ e‘ti)rfo1tul by mma violation of l“w’ _ ·>¤•·¤·¤ ¤¤ wit- E0 2.-That such am dm nt { said · · _ - ·

}g,__,;;,,§,'f,;:`,;l;;“:: authorized by the consehli inewriting gfudhiggqhfletgoclatlnn shim be

,,d,,,,,., of ,,. than rwotbirds of the capital stock or th - · mming mt 1°°° gglles of mms;. of directors shall cause such consent to momma?: ; xdm hmm · · · · - . ¤ e association, by its president or cashier, to the Comptrtdllercof th:iC?r-