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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/191

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l64 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 290. 1882. and for other purposes/’ and such notes when redeemed shall be for-- Deposit of law- warded to the Comptroller of the Currency, and destroyed as now pro- Tm ”'°”`f5 Sing vided by law; and at the end of three years from the date of the ex- ,,,d,,,,,,,m,,‘,,f’°h,_ tension of the corporate existence of each bank the association so eulaf mw., cm, extended shall deposit lawful mone with the Treasurer of the United KQ, W10. States sunicient to redeem the remginder of the circulation which was

 outstanding at the date of its extension, as provided in sections nity.

G,,& mm my two hundred and twenty-two, fifty-two hundred and twenty-four,' and me tofmpresent nity-lgzothundred nad, twtepty five of the Revised Statutes; and any _¤¤d¤¤¤1>· $8111 a may arise m - e ai ure to present such circulating notes 3.-:‘_,,;°°f‘{‘,‘f‘§_ *° lor' redemptroushall inure to the beneiit of the United States; and y,, ,,0;,,, mb, time to tune, as such notes are redeemed or lawful money deissued distinguish- posrted therefor as provided herein, new circulating notes shall be Wm iing issued as provided by this act, bearing such devices, to be approved by Mm m&,m¤¤, the Secretary of the Treasury, as shall make them readily distinguishg., exam by able from the circulating notes heretofore issued: Provided however, gmking associ; That each banking association which shall obtain the benefit of this act m shall reimburse to the Treasury the cost of preparing the plate or plates C1 ‘ f forésrgzlrlnelwl c;rculati1n§lrrptes as shall be issued to it. . _ osingo bm k- E L . 8 D8lil0 - DIED1g3S60G' tl llll lg, amy.; 1 ..,.i..d_... .1...u i...t.r~ ...,.r.., .1.% til!}. (§’4?°.‘.Z2‘;’.€’£‘£’..$.*.§1Z'i.‘i.?.Z.? ,,8,0,,8 of nm mh of the provisions of this act, shall be required to comply with the pro- 1:.8. wl, 1010, vrsrons of sections fifty-two hundred and twenty one and iiitv-two hun- H.S.5a22, 1010. dhred and tvanty-two of the Revised Statutes in the same manner as if . slmreho ers had voted to o 'nto li 'dati ’ ‘ 7 gg? 1213, ilfty-tyre hum lredl tend twenty of the Stlatirdgsrfagddthe peri:;?; . 1 rons `ous y·two hundred and twentvif u d lift -t h - R. 8.5225, 1010. Greg and twentvllve of the Revised Statutes shall dlsaglbe apiiligaiblsgo

11 sssocrag:lns,selx£va‘s by lthis act; and the franchise of

_ _ _ _ x or the ‘ f li' M thegrlragcadgrrrs until strrch %mkare dually closgd? purpose 0 qmdmmg _ neu. _ . na· n s now organized or hereafter ored rg of , - gillll ugh ::d¤¥•¤¤¤°m_ a capital of sue hrmdred and fifty thousand dollars, or less, shall g-..,.-qt ,; ,,,,,,,,1 U md*'°Q¥¤¤'0*l YQ wl] 011 d0p0S1t or deposit with the Treasurer of the mug, y,.;.,,,], _ D1 States Umtod btates bonds ru excess of onefom-th of their on - $. E: stplckbas for their circulating notes; but such banks shdll cmuh _ P pos: or eposrt with the Treasurer of the United States the . lmounp t bonds as herein reqmred. And such of those banks ha<r oudeposrtbouds in excess of that amount are auth t vmc _ _ _ t52H_ circulation by the deposit of lawful money as pildvidmobrclldlcé B-”°*'°“l•*•°¤t_ .:.*::3 P'°°•d•¢_Th¤t the amount of such circulating notes shall not in any case naw, Pc mum of the parvalueof the bonds deposited ash, ' ,,; NIM cfprovrdedz Pronded further, That the national bank h` h Hem b¤;· depoitsgfé lawfulfrngney for the retireuiedt frdllzgtl tt;.:.§._...?;.i;;.c.i>`.,d?,,1.igttr. i.’f.£§T.“.§F. ‘I.‘Z.?$‘§3Qf’§ E.‘3.‘i..°2'i,€.?lf g · s o e emptiou of national-bank t dS l precedrng year, and shall thereu u no BS [mug the ,1,,,,,),,,,} ba k h. h _ Q0 pay suclr assessment. And all Munn for posits of i.‘$.§‘.{'..‘§‘,i“r§.‘i· '2.¥.’L°‘$’.T3f.'2.‘¥Z.T.°?.?1££?£"c%‘.‘3.'°§&?.€.“‘l.$i“»¥1Q . nssessc and shall a assessrn n `n ". . S _

 ,;,,2 {mm of ma wt 8ppl•*0`}:c¤:1nJmw twueuléirh thehruanner specified ru section

Uuldllilll l)l\fHt¤n¢\· tour; for UIC BOSE of t[‘i\“$ ° ,8lg Wn hundred and seventy-

,,,, from such deposits Suming html redeeming their notes redeemed

tg 5E8L, [23, Bing {,ighty_0“8‘ y June thlrhctb, GIght·88ll l\\[\'\(h‘€(l ~KG·{).Tl1&I!.2lI1'itit·l • in ·'‘ i.e..; ..3,.;., i5.?.?.; XT. f’.i2i.“.1..%‘.“€?.?2§‘.i‘3{L{*°‘,§ °‘{'.:'Z*.'L,"I‘I"’ °’ "°i°' ping,`) awk m , ·t u lll. I p0ll i\(6- rs sua., 12.;. vnled in section iielimvofvtlxld al;to1i'r.l:irertwe)dt!h`;;UPlwd Stgmm as pmw;,M¤'·, 0,. seventy-fonr, entitled “An act nxin r th mt ’ ugbgam hundred mm wk? .,,d,k_ providing for a redistribution of ridhosgnhhhlctgf United Stcltes Hows, i lnwf l' - · · .j ‘ '¤I'l'€¤c_‘ f nr l’¤¤‘POS•?$, or as provided rn this act,1s authorized tr: iizrposit)