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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/193

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[66 F()1t'IY·SEV1£N TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 290, 29,1. 1882. Penalty_ for Sm;. 13. That: any officer, clerk, or agent of urry national-buulciug as-

  • "*I°°‘5’ °""'fY‘”€ soeiation who shall willfully v1olnte the prowsious of an not enmled

°hf§§fM 355 “Au act in reference to certifying cheeks b_Y·Il2bll0Il$1l bauku/’ approved [i.8.52ll:8.10lH. March third, eighteen hundred and s1¤y—ume, being section t1tty-two hundred and eight of the Revised Statutes of the United Slatesnor who shall resort to any device, or receive any iictmous 0bl1gu»t1ox1, director collateral, in order to evade the provisions thereof, or who shall certify tzhecks before the amount thereof shall hgve been regularly_ entered to the credit of the dealer upon the books of the banking association, shell be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on couvwtion thereof 111 any circuit or district court of the United States, be iined not more than five thousand dollars, or shall be impusoued not more than tive years, or both, in the discretion of the court. _ Sec. 14. That Congress may at any time amend, alter, or repeal this act and the acts of which this is amcndabory. . Approved, July 12, 1882. July 12, [Ban, CHAP. 291.—·An act authorizing the New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad to com —————;-——~—- struct bridges over the channels of Pearl River and Lake Poutclmrtmin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwesontatives of the United New Orl one States of America in Congress assembled, That the New Orleans and

‘¤¥;;¤¤c:;Q Nor-thetusterrr Railroad Company, a corporation organized for the pur-

Hmm bri{Ige wm. pose o constructing a railroad between New Orleans, Loummna, and zu; pcm mm-, Mendum, MISSISSIPPI, be, and xs hereby, authorized and empowered to Wm Pearl River, construct, build, and mamtaiu bridges over and across the navigable

{::mkg‘*’"£°“*‘ gafors otilctho United gtatgs on the route of said railroad from New

’ Y r eans uisiana, to eri ian Mississippi as now located or as suid route m,ay hereafter be located: for the use, of said compauy, and the _ passage of its engines, cars, passengers, mails, and merchandise thereon: ""°'f•°· ffgvsdad, ko;;ever,tTha]1;Bsaid compat? Shall clginstruog its 1l;rid,<i{c§ over across wa ers own as as ear ver cs ear iver auid Lake Pouécharupin, in agrzobrrgance with such plans devised for the su e passage 0 vesse s as sh 1 approved by the Secretary of War: and that sand company shall -00IlSU'l1(5t and maintain such facilities and _ be governed by such regulations for the passage of vessels as the Seo- Dwhnd 8 up of War shall approved _ - t ‘ • M ummm md _ Ec. 2. That any bridge bmlt under thm act and subject to nts hmita.- ,,,,,_,,,,m,_ ho;; a lawfniégtructum, sand ghallllse recognized and known as M 3 _ _ upon w · no ig er c argc shall be made i' the T°'"°‘ (:¤¥;;;11§1;>l;10g_¤{t:h;:Sotoamt§8of thre mails, the troops, and the muncdions _ _ o m or or passengers and freight passing over

 ":"}""‘5? ***2* Ti “"’ ‘3"§”3°”“‘*°" °"°’ "‘°

_ _ 1 ayseango esa` `.··d'thll Smm enjoy the rights gmd privileges of other post: roads inr;h€PiTd£ed1St;tgs.

  • dgggs 3ép';`Il:;xttg'as;11d bridges ghzrlll llae mad; {with unbroken and 0011-

pm1s oreo s 3 t ly feet m length, in the elem-, and the mailx;)spnnsB;?1a$llal?et<]:;g$ tllxténxilnlotig channels of the rivere and lakes across which said bridges may be cou- , , structed, und the brulges shell be at right angles to and their piers gmt W pghgdlglsitsetho cngrrlxgcpt {af sand rivers and lakes: Provided, That if tho TKWI'- ru go. GODS C Ct 88 1] b `(] { ' ger the main channels of said rlgmruuicldkgg g?;Ze;IeiKl;(;•?i;¥;l;:d _ dfpaps shall nor beless than one hundred and sixty feet in length Side); air, guild the pxers of sand bridges shall be parallel with and the Sllqlgggtnwrig qttimgles to the curreut of the channels, and the spans tl,'} mm M I; tion ten fee., above hugh water mark, as understood at Bmw _ rt w n pn lon, to the lowest part of the superstructure of said lirzrlgesr I rmudcd, That sand draws shall be opened promptly by said eonnpmg, upon reasormble mgnul, for the passage of boats; and said