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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/199

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}_'Z 2 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Szss. I. Ch. 312. 1882. July 20, l@2. CHAP. 312.-An act to divide the State of Iowa into two J udiciul Districts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United State m‘1¤w¤di·'States of America i n Congress assembled, That the_ State of Iown be, and '*d?<l *%*0 §"° 3** the same is hereby, divided into two judicial districts, in manner follow-_ d'°“‘1 d‘“‘"°°"‘ ing, to—wit: The Counties of Clinton, Jones, Linn, Benton, Black Hawk, Grundy, Hardin, Hamilton, Webster, Calhoun, Sac, Ida, Monona, and all the counties north of those named shall constitute a new district, to Northern dia- be known as the northern district of Io-wu. The remaining counties of

  • "*°*· · the State shall constitute the southern district of lowa; and the prest 8,,,,,],,,,,,, db ent district court of Iowa, from und after the passage of this uct, shall

4;;,;, be known as the district court for the southern district of Iowa. Judges. Sm:. 2,-That the present judge of the district of Iowa. is hereby declared to be the district judge for the southern district of Iowa; and . the President of the United States be, und is hereby, authorized and directed, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint tl district judge for the northern district of Iowa. _, U*¤¤’i<=* ¤¤¤t- SEO. 3.—That the district attorney and United States marshal for

,:3; "“° “"' the district of iowa shall be the district attorney and marshal of the

southern district of Iowa; and the President of the United States, by ` and with the advice and consent of the Senate, is authorized and directed to appoint one person as marshal and one `as district attorney for the northern district of Iowa. Clerks SEO. 4..-That there shall be appbinted by the judge of the northern r district of Iowa, with the approval of the circuit judge of the eighth judicial circuit, o clerk for the district- and circuit courts in and for said northern district of Iowa. The persons now acting: as clerks for the district of Iowa shall be the clerks for the southern district of Iowa tlorglrern dis- Sec. 5-That for the purpose of holding terms of court the northern

3* *********1 ht? district shall be divided into three divisions, to be known ns theeastern,

NT33f:; central, and western divisions. The counties of Clinton, Jackson, Jones, sam, , Linn, Benton, Black Hawk, Buchanan, Delaware, Dubuque, Clayton, Fayette, Bremer, Floyd, Chickasaw, Mitchell, Howard, Winneshiek, and Allamakee shall constitute the eastrrn division, the courts for which shall be held st the city of Dubuque. The counties of Grundy, Hardin, Hamilton, Webster, Calhoun, Pocahontas, Palo Alto. Emmett, Kossuth, ` Humboldt, Wright, Hanvock, Winnebago, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Franklin, and Butler shall constitute the eentml division, the courts for which shall be held at Fort Dodge. The Counties of Monona, Woodbury, Plymouth, Sioux, Lyon, Osceola, O’Brien, Cherokee, Ida, Sac, Buena 1 Vista, 0hsy,and Dickinson shall constitute the Western division, the h ‘com·ts_for bshsllbcbe heh at §_ioui:dCity. Bout gra gtk- _ 5.— purpom o o ing terms of Court the Southern , *¤¤* *%*3 wctof Iowa shall] be clivieleél into threer divisions to be known as the mm, . ern, central, an western 'visions. he counties of Scot Cedar

 mm` Muscatine, Washington, Louisa, Keokuk, Appanoobe, Davis, Wnpello,

Jeierson, Van Buren, Henry, Des Moines, and Lee shall constitute the eastern division, in which the courts shall be held at the city of Keokuk. The counties of Johnson, Iowa, Poweshiek, Muhaskn, Jasper, Tama, Marshall, Story, Boone, Greene, Guthrie, Adair, Dallas, Polk, Madison, W arren, Marion, Clark, Lows, Decatur, Monroe, und Waiyxie shall constitute the central division for which the courts shall be held ut the city ot Des Moines. The counties of Carroll, Crawford, Harrison, Shelby, Audubon, Cass, Pottnwattamic, Mills, lllontgomery, Adams, Union, Ringgold, Taylor, Page and Fremont shall constitute the Western _ division, in which the courts shall be held at the city of Council Blutls: _ Pmm. l’rorided, That the additional courts at the places in the several divisions named in this not shall be held in buildings provided for that pur· · pose wsthout expense to the United States. U·r;m,,,,,;,,¤,, M A suc. 7.-That conrts`under this act shall held ut Dubuque, Keou nquqxeokuk, Luk, Des Memes and Council Bluils at such times as are now iixed by