Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/212

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FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 371-373. 1882. 185 lorrcd by this act shall construct and maintain continually all road and higlnvny crossings, and necessary bridges, over said railway wherever sgml roauls mul highways do now or may lncreafter cross said railways right of way, or may be by the proper authorities laid out across the snmc. Sec. 11. Congress may at any time amend, add to, alter, or repeal This actmnybe this not. ¤1¢¤r¤d.•>t<=· Approved, August 2, 1882. CHAP. 372.-An act creati the Oro nSh0rl‘»Line Railwa om cor ration S * in the Territories of Uugh, Idmhgoand Wyoming, and iixifjotheglinixrpwmp? _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slam of America in Congress assembled, That the Oregon Short-Line oregon Short- Boilwny Company, n corporation of that name duly incorporated and Lirw R¤i1w¤·y organized under the laws of the Territory of Wyoming, the amended C‘;f’P:“Y°’°°"°d° articles of inoorpornt ion of which were duly filed in the office of the scc- ¥,,n`2,,yTc°,Y,?Yu°:.l¥: rotary of the said Territory on the twelfth day of July, anno Domini of Utah, Idaho, eighteen hundred und eightyone, bc, and the same is hereby, mndc n. ¤·9<\ Wy¤¤¤i¤:» railway corporation in the Territories of Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, 'mb “gh°“·°"°· under the same conditions and limitations and with the same rights and privileges that ifnow has dud enjoys under said articles of incorporation within the said Territory of Wyoming, and with all the rights and privileges within said Territories of Wyoming Utah, and Idaho which are scoured to railway companies by the act 0i' Congress approved the third day of March, anno Domini eightccu hundred and seventy-Eve 18 Stat.,482 entitled “An act granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States": Provided, That the said corpora- Produ. tion shall at all times hereafter be subject to all the laws and regulations of the United States in relation to railroads, or of any Territory or State through which its line of road may pass. And suits against said corporation may he instituted in the courts of said Tcrritories, or cithoroithemlmvingjurhalistionbytlnelnwsofsuchitgzrritory, _ 820.2. ThatCongross may atnnyiime sde1to,a.ltor,or repeal this Right tv dm. xm — · nmend, ot¤.— Awww, A»¤x¤¤¤ 2»‘1882- . CHAP. 3'l3.·-An act to amend sections three and four of tho not of February twenty- August 2, 1833. first eighteen hundred and soventymine, to Hx the pay ofletter-carriers, and for other —--——————·---· p¤Ip0S¢S· ` "Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ming America in Gmugress assembled, That section three of an act L¤g·¤¤-¤•¤‘i¤¤'•· entitl •*An act to tix the pay of letter-carriers " approved February 2° “‘°·· 31* twenty-iirst, eighmcn hundred and seventy-nine, he amended so as to _ read as follows: “ Sec. 3.——Upou the recommendation of the postmaster of any city, mwor psy. the Postmaster General may establish n third grade of lettor—ca.rricrs, known as auxiliaries, who shall be paid at the rate of six hundred dollars per annum, and who may be employed at any letter carrier office!' Sec. 2.-That section four of the not aforesaid be, and the same is _ hereby, amended so that it will read as follows: “Sso. 4.-Appointments of Ictter carriers in cities having two or M-:PP°*°*'”¤** more classes shall be mndo to the class having the minimum rate of ""'°°° pny, and promotions from the lower grades in sold cities shall be msdn to tho next higher grade at the expiration of one years service, on cortliosste of the postmaster to the e6eiency and faithfulness of the can- dkbto during the preceding ym: Provided, however, That tho Post- ?~·••°· m¤sterGumnlb¤,amiheberebyi¤,sn1borizcdtonppc4ntonsormoru - snbstitutelsttu chrrlus; wlannocempuastiov shall be ono dollar per