Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/236

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FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Orr. 375. 1882. 209 scribed for the sale of the same after the removal thereof; and all laws and parts of laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. That no tolls or operating charges whatsoever shall be levied or col- Tolls. leeted upon any vessel boats, dredges, craft, or other water-craft passing through any canal or other work for the improvement of navigation belonging to the United States. That authority is hereby given to the Secretary of War to expend the Hsrborofrefugo, money appropriated by the act approved March third, eighteen hundred Pm 0¤`¤¤i» ON- and seventy-nin? in the construction of a harbor of refuge at Port Ur- g°“· ford, on the Paei c coast, if in his opinion it be deemed judicious to do so. . That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to settle Cl¤¤*l¤¤ M¢C¤f- the claims of Charles McCan`erty and D. and C. P. Dull, contractors for {Y"Q;;,B·°£;‘£; (fi locks numbered four and ilve on the Great Kanawha River, under con- ,5 l,,, ,,,§m,,d_ ,,t,,_’ tracts made in eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and eighteen hnnelred and seventy- tive, and subsequently for work done by reason of changes in the contracts and for losses caused by such changes, and by extra work and other losses incurred from such and other muses beyond their control, and report what amount, if any, he iinds to be due to said contractors at the next session of Congress. ‘ That the unexpended sums heretofore appropriated 'for an ice-harbor Appropriation at Saint Louis, Missouri, be, and the same are hereby transferred and FE i¤¢‘- ={¤"¤¤‘ •l· appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of §:f':°I;{’“:]f,"“;‘; . - War, for the improvement of the channel of the Mississippi River oppo— I,,,,,,;,,,. y,,.,,,,,,,,,. site the city of Saint Louis, Missouri, by repairing and raising the ing chsnnelot Mis present low dam acrbss the channel east of Arsenal Island, known as ¤¤¤§P1·¤ R¤'¤’ QP- Cahokia Chute, and by the construction of such other works in or near P°a‘:;:&f*(}i:,'{: said Cahokia Chute as may be deemed advisable to accomplish the same purpose. That the Sec1etaryofWar be, and he is hereby, directed to ascertain Secretary of and report to the next Congress upon what terms the iranchise and WH ¤¤"•¤¤¤¤•¤¤ · property of the Little Kanawha Navigation Company, in West Virginia, ;"u‘:ch':;"':f TML? can be obtained and conveyed to the United States. , c;,;,,,,, cm, of Li,- That the Secretary of War is hereby directed, at his discretion, to no Kanawha unvcanse or surveys, or estrmates of cost of nu- i8;>:¤;m$<;¤==l::¤If; provernents proper to be made, atme g points, namely: . , md muy__ . You%liogheny River from lIeKessport to~CcnnelisviDe, Pennsylvania. Bed 'ver from its mouth to Fulton. , , Little River and Saline, Arkansas. _ . Alameda Creek, Alameda County, Cahmrnia Norwalk Harbor, Connecticut. Harbor at Cedar Keys, Florida. · Connecticut River irom Bellows Falls, Vermont, to Pittsburgh, New Hampshire. Newton Creek, Camden County, New Jersey. _ Pensankin Creek, Camden and Burlington Counties, New Jersey. Milford Haven (an estuary), Virginia. Quantico Creek, Virginia. Piankatuuk River, Virginia. . Sangamon River, lllinois, from its mouth to Petersburgh. Shoal between Dauphin Island and Cedar Point, Alabama. Gowanus Creek at Brooklyn, New York. _ Yallabusha lfiver above Grenada, Mississippi. _ _ _ _ Loosacoona River, a tributary of the Yallabusha, Mississippi. The channel known as the Old River Bed, leading from C River to the harbor of retuge now under construction at Clev Atchafulreya River between Berwiclds Bay and the Gulf of exim; nad, if made, to be accompanied withareport showing the cast ofde•p· eniug the channel of said river. _ Thochsarasl of the Saint Jobn’s River at rtsentranoe into and suit outuflabs Moaroc,and between LakeGeorge and IAlreMoame,i¤»r

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