216 FORTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 378, 37 9. 1882. heard may order that such witnesses be subpmnacd; and in such cases Comer process the costs incurred by the process, and the fees of witnesses, shall be •·¤d tee °f "_*°· paid in the same manner that similar fees are paid in the case of wit- "°°°°“‘ I""' I’“‘d‘ nesses subpoanaed in behalf of the United States. Wiuim fees, Sec. 4. That all witness fees and costs of every nature in cases of cx- <=°¤*§»°*¤·»¤°¤¤*l°*}_ tradition, including the fees of the commissioner, shall be certiiied by §':m;°{,E°“;{°;, the judge or commissioner before whom the hearing shall take place to I,,,,-,m,,,i 3;,,;; y,, the Secretary of State of the United States, who is hereby authorized no p¤n1,ei.z. allow the payment thereof out of the appropriation to dciray the expenses of the judiciary; and the Secretary of State shall cause the amount of said fees and costs so allowed to be reimbursed to the Government of the United States by the foreign government by whom the _ proceedings for extradition may have been instituted. h8FY1•!¤¤¤¤¤¤*l¤¤ SEO. 5. That in all cases where any depositions, warrants, or other f,_"”g· mh 66, papers or copies thereof shall be offered in evidence upon the hearing Im of any extrad1tion case under Title sixty-six of the Revised Statutes of the _United States, such depositions, warrants, and other papers, or the copraartherttf, shall be rccteived and admitted as evidence on such hearing opurposes o such hearing if they shall be propcrl and lux?';;,;;,??"?" legally authenticated so as to entitle them to be received for similai: pur- . me glyhthle tribunals lot thetforeign Eonntry from which the accused ave escape: an ie certi cate of the principal diploi - ti · or consular officer of the ,United States resident in such foreign corhiltry shall be proof that any deposition, warrant or other paper or copies h 19 8 thereof, so ofered, are anthen treated in the manner required by this act.
- 5**- ¤mS:;’Jt3'6._ Theuactd June nimeteenth, eighteen hundred and
—six, en n ac to amen: section fifty-two hundred . l seventy·0ne of the Revised Statutes of the United States", and so mhhh K s 5,,,, mm, Z; ?hig gféyi-two hundred and seventy-one of the Revised Statutes ,, P,,,, ,,,,“m_ an hmb es as is inconsistent with the provisions of this act y repealed. Approved, August 3, 1882. ' CHAP. 3'l9.—An act to authorize the Postmastcr—Gencral to extend the mail service , in certain cases and for other purposes. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Represcntaf the ’ ,,,,,,,,m, . . d mg wm,m£°:: ¢{£ on 0g1mm evsgcmblzg, That the Pogtmaster Ggfggl ' . ¤BYE B ·
- §i?,(;,-,,$;;t°l n improved,. to extend,service ou a mail wht: »u:1re\;cgo`iit)rg1]3tP;tth§tc<i2i
"‘S mf? PN ¤!•¤¥ Midlhonal pay, for any distance not exceeding twenty- Pwd". @*6 miles beyond either terminal pointfnamed in said contract· Prhmwx service shall be extended beyond the original terminal have been madgn once during the term for which the contract shall F”“'“'° °f =¤¤· Sno ° Whenever 1 . · ··· _ · contracto f t. I‘
{2; "'V proper service under the contract: oi-: lliatidg Sgdmiiferfged gertgdlcmigilg
m-‘~a.·s m,,yi:; ,,,3 to continue rn the proper performance thereof the Post G 7 I ¥“">`°d·°*°· may ¢!¤I*l0F tempomry service on the route ’ mas cr- mmm at a rate of a ier annum not to exceed the amount of the bond , uired to D y ·] posals for service on such route as specitledrih] th I aqcompamy pm' route` 0,. at not exceeding pm xg8m f ·h Q M vertrsement of the slum,_ o suc b0nd,1n cases where servwe 8 b nm etheen grdered robe increased, reduced, curtailed or changed ll scquen to t c execution of contract · th ’ · ’ service to be charged to the contractor a d 0 cost if Such Qempomry { .t , , ll to continue until the con- J$`§»‘}‘i..1"°.‘.§‘..l‘§‘I,§°.1’ rS,”..H’II§“,,.E*,L°,‘2,"${§¥§,,"§§,"{'Q'““"°°,°* “°F"‘°°· °' ,_ I _ _ · W um service com- 7l]€U§¢‘i umltr the new apard of contract. All acts dr parts of acts inconsistent n ith th — · ° brox rsrons of this act bennc hereb · rg . md Approved, August 3, ISS2. U 5 pm °