218 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 384-J86. 1882. in his discretion, cause the section of said reservation on which improrements are situated to be appraised in :1 body, together with such unprovements, and may then sell the same at public or private sale, as he may deem to the best advantage of the government, except that it shall not be sold at less than the appraised price. Approved, August 4, 1882. » Augug 4, gg, CHAP. 385.-An not to quiet title to certain land in Washington, District ofC0i\llll[)i{\.' Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Quitclsim an d States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secrctury of the NIN? °f °°"T°*¤ Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to qmtclium and mdDmcw$mg‘ release unto the heirs, devisees, and assigns oi Joseph Pearson; de- ’"ceased their heirs and assi s, all the right tite um interest o' the United States of America., and to all of squzuzos six hundred and seventy, six hundred und seventyonc, six hundred and seventytwo, . seven hundred and ten, and seven hundred and eleven in the city of Wushiiigton and District of Columbia, as the same ure lnid down on Puma. the original phat or plan ot said city: Proricleul, That this not shall not , render the United States liable for any costs, expenses, or damages in ' relation to the land hereby directed to be quitcluiuied and released. Approved, August 4, 1882. Aug-mg 4, lg CHAP. 386.-—An act to restore the F ort Benton Military Reservation to the public ·-i-————— · domain, and for other purposes. • , Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ FortBe¤ton¤iil- States of America in Congress assembled, '1`hnt the Secretary of Wnr is
- 5* *2**;*****: hereby directed to restore to the Secretary of the Interior the custody
uc (mmm. M and control of the military reservation at Fort Benton, Montana.; The g,;,, · ,},,56,,; Secretary of the Interior shall dispose of the same under the public land act u ai, settled laws, and such actual settlers as are now on said tract in pursuance of ”%‘;;’if'(i’”°¤*Y· military authority shall be entitled to the first right of entry: Provided, ‘ That the following described portion of said tract shall be disposed of under the provisions of section twentythree hundred and eighty-seven R.S.¤‘Z, 4:1. of the Beyiscd Statutes of the United States relating to town sites on public lands, to·wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot; numbered three, in section fourteen, township twentyfour north, of mnge eight cast of the principal meridian; running thence due east eighty chains; thence due south to the Missouri River; thence along the northern bank _ of san1i0Missong to the] intersection of the eastern line of lot three . msec n wen - o said towushi · thence due north alone the line ,d{:'lg}h§°,:t° tg; of the town site of Fort Benton to the giace of beginning, as anbudditiou gm to and a part of the present towusite of Fort Benton: Aml provided Prvviao. further, That there is reserved from said described tract of land to Mrs. Samnrigngtedto Sarah E. Eastman, widow and administratrix of Francis Henry East- ““d‘ wim“m”'*g“ umn, and Wnlhmn S. Wetzel, the land on which the fur-trading post WMM_ ‘ known as Old Fort Benton stands, and the land inelosod and occupied hy_ them, as described on plats on file in the YVur Department the same being six acres, more or less, to which they shull have the prior ri ~ht of entry, and dint the same be conveyed to them hy the proper nuthdrities upon their compliance with law. The county judge of the county in which said town site is situated shall cause to be made il survey und n pint of said tract of izmd, and the said pint thereof shell be tiled in the cmce of the register of thepropcr Iund office within ninety days from and after the passage of this uct_; and thereupon it shall be lawful tor the county Judge as trustee of sznd townsite to make entry of said truct of land at the local land onion, and to dispose of the same to occupants
tix_ it the same had been n part of the original town-
Approved, August 4, 1882.