FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. 011. 25, 26, 27. 1882. 13 For removing snow and ice, one thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Executive Office, two thousand dollars. ' Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to R<=¤*°*`b¤ildi¤g cause the rent to be paid for the building designated as number- eight 803 g’f“t"°°°» P“Y` hundred and three G. Street northwest in the city of V/'ashington and mu °r' occupied as an office of the United States Geological Survey, for the fiscal year ending June thirtietli, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty- two, said payment to be made from the appropriations for the expenses of the United States Geological Survey for said years, at the rate of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 3. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to cause to Rent of building be paid the rent for the second and third stories of the building situated ;°'*h°t”;*’ °°*”5‘ °L£ on the northeast corner of “F" and Tenth streets northwest in the city s,,;;;,, 1,;;,,, 9,,,, of Washington and occupied bya part of the force of the Surgeon Gen- for. ’ eral’s Oihcc for the Hscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, said payment to be made out of the appropriation for contingent expenses for the office of the Surgeon General for said iiscal year at the rate of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum. Approved, March 6, 1882. CHAP. 25.-An act to establish a port of delivery at Dznvgr, in the State of Colorado. Mar. 6, 1882. Bc it enacted by the Scnatp and House of Representatives of the United Staten of America in Congress assembled, That Denver, in the State of Denver, ('elo- Golorado, be, and the same is hereby, constituted a port of delivery; r=¤d¤, pwde ¤ port and that the privileges of immediate transportation of dutiable mer- ‘?f£°gZ:;Y·,,,3 chandise conferred by the act of June tenth, eighteen hundred and ’ ' eighty, entitled “An act to amend the Statutes in relation to immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other pnrposes," be, and the • same are hereby, extended to said port. And there shall be appointed t°S“"°¥,‘;" a surveyor of customs to reside at said port, who shall receive a salary ms °" °" ' to be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars per annum. . Approved, March 6, 1882. CHAP. 26.-An act to authorize the Secret of the Treasury to furnish impressions M*“`· 6» 1882 crf the cards of invitation to theugarbeld Memorial Service. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprcaentatires of the United rn m States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- mS'“m_‘;m "gzt ury at the request of Senators, Representatives, or delegates in Con- of ,,,,,t,t,,,{,t,_ gress, is hereby authorized to furnish impressions from the engraved card of invitation to the Garfield Memorial Service made in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, at the cost thereof with ten per cent. added to be paid for by persons ordering the same; and that orders for the same, and payment therefor may be made for Senators, Representatives, and Delegates through the office of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House respectively. Approved, March 6, 1882. _ CHAP. 2'l.·-An act to establish post-routes Kar. 6, 1889. Be itoncctad by tIecB'e1•atvandHonacof Representat6vo•oftka United Stem of America ns Omngreu asmnblad That the following postaoutes P°¤*·¤’°¤*°•· be, the same are hereby