FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 36, 40. 1883. 411 LIBRARY. _ For entomological and botanical works of reference, works on chem- Library. rstry and mineralogy, charts, current agricultural works for library, miscellaneous agricultural periodicals and the completion of imperfect series, one thousand five hundred dollars. INVESTIGATING THE DISEASES OF DOMZESTICATED ANIMALS. For continuing the investigation of infectious and contagious diseases Diseases of de to which all classes of domesticated animals are subject, twenty-five '“°*"""**`*l *'·” *· thousand dollars. mms' nEcLAMATIoN OF ARID AND WASTE LANDS. For contiuuin g, locating, and sinking artesian wells on the plains east Arid lands. of the Rocky Mountains, with a view to reclaiming arid and waste public lands, ten thousand dollars : Provided, That no part of this sum shall Promo, be expended in experiments upon the lands of individuals or corporations, but only upon the lands belonging to the United States. POSTAGE. - For postage on return letters, circulars, and miscellaneous articles for Postage. correspondents and foreign mail, four thousand dollars. . ° GONTINGENT EXPENSES. For stationery, freight, express charges, fuel, lights, subsistence, and Cont ngent sxcare of horses, repairs of harness, paper, twine and gum for folding- v°¤¤¢¤· _ room ; and for miscellaneous items, namely, for advertising, telegraphing, dry·goods, soap, brushes, brooms, mats, oil; paints, glass, lumber, hardware, ice, purchasing supplies, and for necessary items, including actual traveling expenses while on the business of the department, fourteen thousand dollars. 4 _ ronnsrnr. .- For the purpose of enabling the Commissioner of Agriculture to ex- yummy_ periment and to continue an investigation and report upon the subject of forestry, ten thousand dollars. Sec. 2.—That no part of the sums herein or hereafter appropriated Additional anfor the Department of Agriculture shall be paid to any person, as ad- ary, Mc-, prvlulr ditional salary or compensation, receiving at the same time other com- ‘°°"· pensation as an officer or employee of the Government; and in addition to the proper vouchers and accounts for the sums appropriated for the said department, to be furnished to the accounting oniccrs of the Treas- . ury the Commissioner of Agriculture shall, at the commencement of _ _ each regular session, present to Congress a detailed statement of the m;`;:‘:’)‘”5:’;*f;'£ ·expenditures of all appropriations for said department for the last pre- damned xnmglant ceding fiscal year. of expenditures. Approved, January 20, 1883. CHAP. 40.-An act more edectually to suppress gaming in the District of Jn_ 3], ]333_ Columbia. _ —-——-———-———·—·- Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That every person who shall in suppression sr the District of Columbia, set up or keep any gaming table, or any house, ?¤2:J0;'¤;“£;:· vessel, or place on land or water forthe purpose of gaming, or gambling device commonly called A. B. C.,·¤huobank_,’ E. O., roulette, equality, keno, thimbles or “ little joker," or any kmd of gambling table or
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