Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/486

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FORTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 93. 1883. 459 no case shall more than hfty per centum of the full amount of the serv- & pe paid, one hurgdredlaud gwenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, Promo a suc compensa ion s a e computed upon the basis of the tariff rates for like transportation performed for the public at large, and shall be accepted as in full for all demands for said services: lilpr lure of quaftxgis for trolops, of storehouses for the safe-keeping of Quarters, etc. m1 i ary s ores .o 'o ces an of grounds for camp and summer cantonments, and forytemporary frontier stations; for the construction of tem- Kgltgyplpgg agéd fstalblplsl; apdh for repgiipg pulgcdbuiljdings estab- _ _ _ t ’ n u rec thousand dollars. n no more an one L- ·t f ,, millngi Six) hundred thousand dollars of the sums appropriated by this prirxignlior act s a e applied to the payment of civilian employees in the Quar- ion °¤¤P °Y<>°¤· termaster’s Department of the Army, including those heretofore paid out of the funds appropriated for regular supplies, incidental expenses, barracks and quarters, Army transportation, clothing, camp and garrison cquipage · _ G For cpnptruction and repairs of hospitals, as reported by the Surgeon- Hospitals. enera o the Army one hundred thousand dollars. For purchase and ’manufacture of clothing and camp and garrison C1othi¤g,otc, equipage, altering, when necessary, soldiers’ clothing, and for preserv- _ ing and repacking the stock of clothing and camp and garrison equipage and materials on hand at the Philadelphia, Jeffersonville, and other depots of the Quartermastefs Department, one million four hundred thousand dollars. For all contingent expenses of the Army not provided for by other Cont ingon 1:, estimates, and embracing all branches of the military service, to be ex- Amy- pended under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, forty thousand dollars. MEDICAL DE1>AR'rMEN1‘.——For purchase of medical and hospital sup- Msdimi ma ho,. plies, medical care and treatment of officers and enlisted men of the pim! supplios- ` Army on duty at posts and stations expenses of purveying epots, pay of employees, advertising, and other iniscellaneous gxpepses of ge Mgdical Department, one hundred and ninety thousan dollars. ovi , Promo. That civilian employees of the Army stationed at military posts may, under regulations to be made by the Secretary of War, purchase neces- _ Pumhsspormcdsary medical supplies, prescribed by a medical officer offthe Army, at ¤°=J ¤¤PPh•>¤· cost, with ten per centum added. And not over thirty- our thonsauc ; dollars of the money appropriated by this paragraph shall be applied to the payment of civilian employees in the Medical Department. _ ‘ For the Army Medical Museum, and for medical and other works for Booksforlibmry the library of the Surgeon-General’s Office, ten thousand dollars. ‘£,f:,§;6°';f’”‘G°“°" ENGINEER DEPAJ2'1*MEN1‘.—For engineer depot at Wi]let’s Point, Engineer Depot. Y New York, namely : For purchase of engineering; materials fogontinue the w‘“°* “P°“‘*· resent course of instruction of the Engineer atta ion in t cir specia duties of sappers, miners, and pontoniers, one thousand dollars._ » · For incidental expenses of the depot, remodeling ponton-trains, repairing insiruments, purchasing fuel, forage,_stationery, chemicals, duty pay to enlisted men employed as artisans, and ordinary repairs, three thousand dollars. For replacing with plain structures, of cost not to exceed eight thousand dollars, two old buildinlgp clgpszcmcteid duripg tire waalfloiégidospitals, d sedas hoto p a ra ory or ins ruc mge s men1n dldplhzatiiig militagy mairsain the field, agddasugnolding-room for instructi ’ fi ld f rtidcations three thousan o rs. _ Ogglgyiy-gE0])EpAgmuéNr,TFlpr the oradnancée service, reguired tg icoorammo servd fra th ·urrent ex nsesa thearsen s- o receivmgs res_n - sriingyaruisband otherldidnance supplies; of ’police and olhce duties; of rents, tools, fuel aind lights; of St$0DBI'}’ and otmggggmm or dtru ts or use · inci en expenses o 801*71 gd iriinse gfixending practical trials and tests of oulnance, smalbarms; and other ordnance supplies, one hundred thousand dollars.