FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 55, 58, 59. 1882. 37 "Per·sonal oversight should be exercised by you of the bargains and sales made by Indians under this authority, and that they should understand that a failure to observe the restrictions of this permission will result in a forfeiture of the permit
- ‘ Yours respectfully
“H. PRICE, “Commissioner"; and Whereas, under the authority supposed to be conferred by the aid letter of instructions, said Indian agent permitted the Indians upon the reservations under the charge of the said agency to proceed to cut into logs a considerable quantity of timber of the kind designated in said letter of instructions, in which work they are now engaged; and Vifhereas the authority of said Commissioner to authorize such sale, disposal, cutting, or removal of such timber has been called in question: Therefore, ~ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the instructions of the Indian agent, said Commissioner of Indian Aifairs contained in the above recited let- %"?°¤B°Y 48°°'?Y» ter to the said Indian agent at the Green Bay Agency, in the State of sm.fl::i:;1s°Q:’ T; Wisconsin, be, and the same are hereby, ratified and confirmed, and all Cgmmiggiggbr or acts done or permitted by said agent in pursuance thereof are hereby Indian Amms, lelegalized and declared valid; and the disposal of all timber cut or pre- H¤l¤¤°d- pared for market, or which may be cut or prepared for market during the logging season of the present year, is hereby authorized in conformity with said instructions; and the logs or timber so cut shall be subject to Ri gm B of the all remedies which are provided by tho laws of the State of Wiscou- State preserved. sin toenformliensnponlogsordmber. Approved, March 31, 1882. CHAP. 58.-An act for the relief of Captain William D. Whiting. Apr. 1, 1882. Be it enacted by the Senate and House cj Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Captain William D. Whit- _ WllliumD.Whiting, United States Navy, having been promoted forfaithful audeilleient mzwar service, and having served in the Navy faithfully for forty years and upwards, and having been appointed Chief of the Bureau of Navigation of the Navy Department, with the relative rank of Commodore, and holding the said position on the date of his retirement, in pursuance of law, on account of physical incapacity, such incapacity having been contracted on duty or being incident thereto, the name of the said Will- _Pl.•cedon thereiam D. Whiting is hereby authorized to be placed on the retired list {gm 2;:;*}*;*: . of the United States Navy with the rank and retired pay of a Commo- m,?',,,,, Pay of dom, as thoughhehad been promoted to the said grade prior to his enmmeam. retirement. . Approved, April 1, 1882. CHAP. 59.-A.n not to amend an not entitled "An act making appropriations to pro- Apr. 1. 1882. vide for the expemes of the government of the District of Co umbia for the tiscal ············*‘* you ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and for other purposes" approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-one. . Bcit enactedbgtbe»Senateand 1Io1¢seqf of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section three of the act °f entitled “An act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of yum the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending 91 Stat. see. 3, June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and for other pur- 467. mendedp0ses” approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty omehbe amwded by adding the words “and convey” atter the word “sell m linetwasoas tomakeitread holland convey"; Anon-thewords “four