FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 116, 117. 1882. 55 For pay of agent and assistants, to distribute stamped envelopes and newspaper- wrappers, and expenses of agency, sixteen thousand dollars. d lior manufacture of postal cards, two hundred and forty-two thousand o ars. For pay of agent and assistants to distribute postal cards, and expenses of agency, seven thousand three hundred dollars. For registered-package envelopes, locks and seals, and for office en- (velppes, and for dead-letter envelopes, one hundred and ten thousand 0 ars. I For ship, steamboat, and way letters, one thousand five hundred dollars. For engraving, printing, and binding drafts and warrants, one thousand nve hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. Orman or Surnnrurnnnnnr or Foanmn Mms. For trans- Foreign mails. portation of foreign mails, three hundred thousand dollars. ` For balances due foreign countries, fifty thousand dollars, including Itemsthe United States’ portion of the expenses of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union Uonvention. Sec. 2. That if the revenue of the Post-Onice Department shall be Apyrrvpriqtivqw insufficient to meet the appropriations made by this act, then the sum 9“Pl’hY d°&°*°°°‘°·} of one million nine hundred and two thousand one hundred and seventy- seven dollars and ninety cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary, ment. be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated to supply deficiencies in the revenue of the Post-Omoo Department for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three. · Sec. 3. That the amount of all money-orders which shall have re- Mcnev-orders mained unpaid for a period of five years or more after the date of the °°Fg*?¤dB¤8 “¤· issue thereof, which amount is to be ascertained and reported annually ${,6 g;":;}?:,? by the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Oiiice Department, shall be 1;1ieTressuryo£the covered into the Treasury. But nothing herein shall be so construed as United Statesto prevent the payment, out of current money-order funds, by duplicate issued under the authority of the Postmaster-General, of any money-order which has remained unpaid more than ive years. Approved, May 4, 1882. . CHAP. 117.-An not to promote the emcierlnz of the Life Saving Service, and to Mgy 4,1392. encourage the saving of ’ from shipwreck ———————-—· Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representation of the United States o_/`America in Congress assembled, Thatthe Secretaryof the Treas- Lite-saving _ ury is hereby authorized to establish additional life-saving stations and $¤¤'*¤¤¤· Hf houses of refuge upon the sea and lake coasts of the United States as p miwfm °' follows, namely: ON THB ATLAIITIO COAST. . A life saving station at or near Damariscove Island, Maine; one at or Auntie cent. near Hunniwells Beach, Maine; one at or near the entrance to Portland Harbor, Maine; one at oviear the entrance to Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire; one on ape Ann Massachusetts; one between Cohasset and Scituate Harbors, Massachusetts; one at or near Wood End, and one in the vicinity of Peaked Hill Bars, Cape Cod, Massachusetts; two in the neighborhood of Nantucket an adjacentislands, Massachusetts; one at or near Brenton’s Point or Beaver Tail, Rhode Island; one on Brigantine Beach and oneon Seven·Mile Beach, New Jersey; one at or near Lewes, Delaware; live on the coast between Cape Henlopen and Cape Charles, at such points between existing stations as the General Superintendent of the Life Saving Service may recommend; one between stations numbered seventeen and eighteen, and one between station numbered twenty-one and twenty-two, one about three miles