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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/132

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104 FORTY-EIGIITH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 214, 215. 1854. _“{;°¤di¤i¤¤¤ of by the United States authorities, to be appraised in the lsarxie manner ‘ ‘ as hereinbeibre provided for the appraisements of suc ands subdivisions, and lots, and shall cause the same, together with the-’tract or lot upon which they are situate, to be sold at public sale, to the highest bidder thr cash, at not less than the appraised value of such land and improvements, first giving the sixty duys’ notice as hereinbefore provided ; or he may, in his discretion, cause the iinprovements t0 be solellsewirntely, at pnglig sale] for caslh, at nottlless thulp tthe ap. prmsea va ue o e remove y e purc aser wi m suc une as maybe prescribed, first giving the sixty da.ys’ public notice before provided; and if in any case thelands and improvements, or the improvements separately, as the case may be, are not sold for want of bidders, then the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, cause the same to be reoffered for sale, at any subsequent time, in the same manner pm ;'1i1€"i;’§ 31235 ié‘E2;‘3`p'£"*°’ ${*33 "‘°2»a'.§‘,‘$}£d”‘?¤T.‘2}£‘»€ifB’§*{3Eid*‘“‘° f°' - A mse ue: r r ings or Lands to be hrst improvements have been heretofore sold by the United States author-

g`°i’£u£’n *;‘“:l’5‘ ities the land upon which such buildings or improvements are situute

impm,,em(,§ts_ not exceeding the smallest subdivision or lot provided for by this uct upon the reservation on which said buildings are situate shall be offered for sale to the purchaser of said improvements and buildings at the appraised value of the lands and if said purchaser shall fail for sixty days alter notice to complete said purchase of lands the same shall be P*‘0¢‘i¤·>- sold under the provisions of this act: And provided further That the fi’;’°¤°•¤d¤ of 6*1** proceeds of the military reservation lands sold on Bois Blanc Island ‘£mn‘;“‘¥‘S];:d near to Fort Mackinaw military reservation shall be set apart as :1 sep- ,,1,,,,t fm. jmptpve, mate fund for the improvement of the National Park on the Island of thex: ckf National Mackinaw Michigan under the direction of the Secretary of War. KI! , E 0. 11 sum,87. SEO. 4. That the provisions of the act of August eighteenth, eightll Stat"336. een hundred and fiftyjsix, relative to military reservations in the State biilitery regex-- of Florida, and the sixth section of the act of June twelfth, eighteen V¤¤<>¤¤¤¤ Fl¤¤d¤· hundred and fifty-eight, relative to the sale of military sites be, and the same are here y, repealed. Lands contain- SEC 5. Whenever any lands containing valuable mineral deposits i¤g1¤;)¤)¤¤;·£d¤P9¤· shall be vacated by the reduction or abandonment of any military $*;%.3:; 1; W2':} reservation under the provisions of this act, the same shall be dis- Hwa ?mt€;_W pogedj og ¥§1U§1VBl§ nude; the land kms ofythe ignited States. re aryo sr . G €CI‘€ ary 0 Q1' S 8. SVC all 01*1 in IS 1sc1'<:t10Il ¤¤9Y_f*¤¤**_•=¤¤==•¤¤ to permit the extension of State, county, and Territbrial roads across g‘:;:;§‘:ég;':; military reservations; to permit the landing of ferries, the erection of tension of ,0},,;,,, bridges thereon; and permit cattle, sheep or other stock animals to be em. driven across such reservation, whenever in his judgment the same can be dcine without in jéiri to the reservation or inconvenience to the military orces statione thereon. · Approved, July 5, 1884. Jnlv 5 ldg _1_ CHAP. 215.-An act to authorize foot and carriage or railroad bridges across the __..;. Mississippi River at Saint Paul, in the State of Minnesota. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Bridges across States ofAmmjica in Congress assembled, That the common council ot · Mississippi River the city of Saunt Paul, in the State of Minnesota and its successors . _ 7 _ 7 ¤—’? ’*· Y’*“l· M*¤¤· are hereby authorized uml empowered to erect, establish, and maintain, or authorize the erection, establishment, and maintenance, of one or more toot and carriage or railroad bridge or bridges across the Mississippi River, extending from sueh point or points to be selected as lie between the easterly and westerly boundaries of said city to u. point or points on the opposite side of said river, now known as the sixth ward of said city; that said bridge or bridges shall not interfere with