FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 228, 229. 1884. 133 Situ. 3. That pm·agr:1phs numbered seven and nine respectively, of R- S-_43@`2»847· sertion forty-three hundred and eighty-two of the Revised Statutes of )€P{"`$‘°““ °f "` the United States, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. I a ° ' Approved, July 5, 1884. CHA.P._ 229.-Au act making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preser- July 5, 1884. wmon of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. ——;—-—--;- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ` States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums of Riverundhubcr money bo, and are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in ¤PP¥°PFi¤*¤°¤¤· the Treasury not otherwi e appropriated, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, for the construction, completion, repair, and preservation of the public works hereinafter named: Improving harbor at Portland, Maine: Continuing improvement, P°'*l¤¤d· thirty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Bangor and Penobscot River, Maine: Continu- Bangor. ing improvement, twenty thousand dollars. · lmprovin g harbor at Rockland, Maine: Continuing improvement, forty Rockland. thousand dollars. Improving breakwater at the mouth of Saco River, Maine: Continu- Breakwstu, ing improvement and repairs, fifteen thousand dollars. S“°° mlm- Improving harbor at Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Continuing im- Portsmouth. provement, twenty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Burl in g·ton,Vermont : Continuing improvement, Burlington. twenty nve thousand dollars; for repairs, twenty five thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Boston, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- Boston. mont, five thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Nantucket, Massachusetts : Continuing improve- Nantucket. ment, ten thousand dollars. . Improving harbor at Newburyport, Massachusetts: Continuing im- Newburyport. provement, forty thousand dollars. improving harbor at Scituate, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- Scituate. ment, ten thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Plymouth, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- Plymouth. ment, ten thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Provincetown, Massachusetts; Continuing im Provincetown. provement, two thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Wood’s Holl, Massachusetts: Continuing im- Wood’s Holl. provement, twenty five thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Wareham, Massachusetts : Continuing improve- Wareham. ment, ten thousand dollars. Constructing a. national harbor of refuge of the iirst class at Sandy National harbor Buy, Cape Ann, Massachusetts, one hundred thousand dollars: Pro- gw"‘f‘駰;8 sf]? vided, That a board of three engineers, to be appointed by the Secre- ,,,,;,;,,,16,,,,,], 0;; tary of War, shall decide that this point is the best location on the authorized coast between Boston and Portland for such ss harbor that shall serve Prvriwall the uses for which it may be needed. Improving breakwater at Block Island, Rhode Island: Continuing mEc’i‘°;‘dl;;'d“*°'• improvement, fifteen thousand dollars. _ _ ' Improving harbor nt Newport, Rhode Island: Continuing improve- N°"'P°'*· ment, twenty thousand dollars. - _ Improving harbor at Bridgeport, Connecticut: Continuing improve- B“dK°P°"· ment. five thousand dollars. Improving brenkwacer at New Haven, Connecticut: Continuing im- N£"§:f°:**°'» provement, thrty thousand dollars. ' Improving harbor at New Haven, Connecticut: Continuing improve- b£°"H’*'°'*H*" ment, ten thousand dollars. ' improving harbor at N ew London, Connecticut: Continuing improve- N"' L°¤d°¤- nn-nt, two thousand dollars. `