FURTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 229. ISS}. 139 Improving Ra ppahaunock River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, _Rappahann oc k twenty thousand dollars. RW"- Improving York River. Virginia: Continuing improvement, twenty York River. thousand dollars. · Improving.: Dan River, Virginia: Continuing improvement above Dan- Dim River. ville, hvr thousand dollars. Improving Staunton River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, five Staunton ni-.-er. thousand dollars. Improving Big Sandy lliver, W'est Virginia and Kentucky, fifty thou- 1ligs:unlyRiver. sand dollars; of which sum continuing improvement below the iork and completing the lock on the West Virginia side, forty thousand dollars, on Tug Fork, in \\'est Virginia, five thousand dollars, and on Lavisa T"; Fotk- Fork, in Kentucky, ilve thousand dollars. l-nvisu Fork- Improving Great Kanawha River, West Virginia; Continuing im- Greet K=¤¤=•“‘l¤¤ provoment, two hundred thousand dollars; of which sum seven thousand R"`°"· five hundred dollars are to be used on a harbor of refuge at the mouth ` of the river. Improving Guyae dotte River, West Virginia: Continuing improve- _G n yan do at e ment, two thousand dollars. R"°’· lmpn win g Monongahela River, West Virginia: Continuing improve- ia o n on gahele ment, forty-tive thousand dollars. R“'°"· For continuing the improvement of Little Kanawha River, West Little Kanawha Virginia, the sum of thirty-one.thousand dollars appropriatedtby the WWI'- act of August second, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, is made avail- 22 But-, I99- able. But no toll shall be collected by any person or corporation for this improved navigation ; and such right, if any exist, shall be relinquished in manner satisfactory to the Secretary of War before the expenditure of said sum. Improving Bnckhannon River, West Virginia, one thousand five hun- _B u o kh annon dred dollars. _ R1"!'- improving Cape Fear River above Wilmington, North Carolina: Con- Cape Fearkiver. tinuiug improvement., five thousand dollars. · Improving Cape Fear River below Wilmington, North Carolina : Continuing improvement, two hundred thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Beaufort, North Carolina: Continuing improve- B°¤¤f°**· ment, twenty thousand dollars. Improving Edenton Bay, .North Carolina, ten thousanddollars. Edemoo Bey- Improving Trent River, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, T¤¤¤*¤ R¤*'¤¤‘· ton thousand dollars. ~ Improving Contentnea or Moocasin River, North Carolina: Continu- MC¤¤*e¤g¤e¤ of ing improvement, five thousand dollars. _ "°°“‘“ _"°" Improving Currituck Sound, North Carolina: Continuing improve- C al r r 1 f ¤ e k ment, five thousand dollars. S°"“ ‘ _ Improving Neuse River, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, Netiee RWM- twenty thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ Improving New River, North Carolina : Contmuing improvement, five New Rrverthousand dollars. _ _ . _ _ _ _ Improving Pam plico and Tar Rivers, North Carolina: Continuing im- Txeirxgoso ¤¤ d provement, five thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ ‘ _ Improving Roanoke River, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, Roonoke Riverthree thonsand dollars. _ _ _ _ Improving Scuppernong River, North Carolina: Continuing improve. mscuppornon g ment. two thousand dollars. _ _ _ "" _ Improving Ashley River, South Carolina: ConI¤nuing.improvemenc, Ashley Rnvertwo thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ _ _ Improving Edisto River, South Carolina: Continuing improvement, Edxeto River- Ilve thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ _ Improving Great Pee Dee River, South Carolina: Continuing im- mfjznt Poo Dee provement, eight thousand dollars. __ _ _ · Improving Salkehatcliee River, South Carolina: Continuing improve- Rgclrke h e t c ln e e mont, three thousand dollars. ‘