Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/207

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. 011. 331. 1884. 179 For compensation of the officers of election, including contingent ex- Compensation of penses, twenty-five thousand dollars. °m"°"° °f°1°°"‘°”· Tnunnwony OF WASHINGTON.—FOI salary of governor, two thou- Territory of sand six hundred dollars; chief justice and two associate judges, at W§‘:}“”.g*°°· three thousand dollars each; and secretary, at one thousand eight °"°s' hundred dollars, thirteen thousand tour hundred dollars. For legislative expenses, namely: For rent of secretary’s office ; hire Legislative exof messenger; light, fuel, stationery, postage, office furniture repairs, P°”“°°· and other incidentals, one thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the gov- Contingent exernor, five hundred dollars. P°”¤°¤· TERRITORY OF WYOmNG.—For salary of governor, two thousand six WJ:r¤!¤i¤z- hundred dollars; chief justice and two associate judges, at three thou- S ‘°“· sand dollars each; and secretary., at one thousand eight hundred dollars, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. For legislative expenses, namely: For inel, rent, light, stationery, L¤tli¤l¤·¤iV• ¢¤- postage, nnd incidentals, one thousand Eve hundred dollars. P°"’°’· For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the gov- Contingent exernor, five hundred dollars. P°““°· TERRITORY OF ALASKA.—FOP salary of governor, three thousand Alana. dollars; judge, three thousand dollars; attorney, marshal, and clerk, sdm"- two thousand five hundred dollars each; four commissioners, one thousand dollars each ; tour deputy marshals, seven hundred and tlfty dollars each; in all, twenty thousand five hundred dollars. For the actual and necessary expenses of the judge, marshal, and at- Tnve ling extorney when traveling in the discharge of their officiel duties, one thou- P¤¤•••· sund dollars. For repairs to the jail in the town of Sitka so as to render it suitable _R¤P•i¤ of 5*1 for so jail and penitentiary, one thousand dollars. 8***- For incidental and contingent expenses of the Territory, to be ex- Ovutingent ergenlded under the direction of the governor, one thousand five hundred P°“°°°· o ars. WAR DEPARTMENT. mgg ¤·v·=*- For compensation of the Secretary of War, eight thousand dollars; th°°g‘P°“'°f*°° °f one chief clerk, at two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; one jd 5:,.*: ,,1::12 disbursiug clerk, at two thousand dollars; one stenogmpher, at one mama;. thousand eight hundred dollars; three chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; five clerks of class four; seven elerksof class three; eight clerks of class two; twenty-eight clerks of class one; seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four messengers; six assistant messengers; eight laborers; carpenter, one thousand dollars; foreman of laborers, one thousand dollars; one hostler, six hundred dollars; two hostlers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; and one watchman, at five hundred and forty dollars; in ell, one hundred andninethonsand seven _ hundred and thirty dollars: Provided, That the provisions of the act 237 entitled “An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, Pm V {gi mh, of and judicial expenses of the Government for the iiseal year ending June wt, ew., authorthirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three," approved August fifth, kin: qm»¤i¤¢¤¤¤¤* eighteen hundred and eighty-two, which authorized the appointment °fA“‘“°*‘“:£°°"°‘ of and Assistant Secretary of War, be, and the same are hereby, re- tmmpm ale . palm um Orman or mma Anmrnm-Gnmnn.-L ne chief clerk, at of¤¤¤ ¤f *¤¤ Adtwo thousand dollars; twenty-four clerks of class four; thirty-ilve clerks j°C*‘fi:{G°:§*:l; k of class three ; sixty-sevenclerks of class two; three hundred and fifty- 0;,,;,,, ma ,,¤,,_,¤[ three clerks of class one; sixteen clerks, at one thousand dollars each; tive messengers; fifty-one assistant messengers; twenty watchman; three laborers; in all, six hundred and ninety-one thousand nine hundred dollars. And not less than two hundred of the clerks in the Omce of the Adjnmnt~Geneml shall be exclusively engaged in preparing, and mnl¤ing’rep0rts to expedite the settlement of pension applications and so diers claims. ·