Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/227

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FORTY -E1GHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 332. 1884. ]99 For establishing new life-saving stations and life-boat stations OH the New life-Swing sca and lake coasts of the United States, fifty thousand dollars. “'”m°”“> °*°· REVENUE-GUTTEB SERVICE. For expenses of the Revenue-Cutter Service : For pay of captains, R<}V¢¤¤<>-Cutter lieuumants, engineers, cadets, and pilots employed, and for rations for S°"“°°· the same; for pay of petty 0m0(3I‘S, seamen, cooks, stewards, boys, coalpassers, aud firemen, and for rations for the same; for fuel for vessels, and repairs and outfits for the same; ship-chaudlery and cugincars’ stores for the same; traveling expenses of officcrs traveling on duty under orders from t11c` Treasury Department; instruction of cadets; commutation of quarters; contingent expenses, including wharfagc, towagc, dockage, freight, advertising, surveys, labor, and miscellaneous expenses which cannot be included under special heads, eight hundred and seventy five thousand dollars; and hereafter revenue cutters shall be used exclusively for the public service, and in no way for private pu1·· poses. For rebuilding the revenue steamer Richard Rush, including a new R ob u i 1 din hull, boiler, and outfits, but retaining the present engines, eighty thou- ¤f¢¤¤¤¤f Rich-ins V sand dollars; and a sum not exceeding tcu thousand dollars to be ob· R““h· tained from sale of the old hull and materials: Provided, That the same Proviao. . shall be sold only aitcr duo appmiscment and advertisement, and at a price not less than the appraised value. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required to advertise for bids for the rebuilding of the Richard Rush, and for the construction of the steam light house tcudcr herein provided for, according to the plans and specifications, which shall be open for inspection by persons proposing to contract. Advcrléscmcut shall be made for a period of not less than one month. The bids shall be opened and the contract or contracts let. The Swrotary of the Treasury may reject all bids; but in the event of acceptance of any bid,the lowest and best bidder shall have the 0011- tract cr contract awarded to him. ’ ENGRAYING AND PRINTING. P vipg and For salaries of all necessary clerks and employees, and for labor (by the day, piece or contract), including labor of workmen skilled in cugx-aving, transferring, plate-printing, and other specialties necessary for carrying on the work of engraving and printing notes, bonds, and other securities 0i' the United Sm tes and national-bank notes, the pay for such labor to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, at mum not exceeding the rates usually paid for such work; and for other axpeuscs of engraving and printing notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States and ¤a.tional—bank notes; for materials other than distinctive paper required in the work of engraving and printing; for purchase of cngravers’ tools, dies, rolls, and plates, and for machinery and repairs of same; and for expenses of operating macomting machines for the destruction of the United States notes, bonds and other obligations of the United States authorized to be destroyed, flour hundred and seventy tivo thousand seven hundred dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury; and from said sum work may bo executed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the following purposes, namely: For engraving, printing, and iiuisbing United States notes, gold and silver cartiiicates, registered bonds for transfers, and other securities, three hundred and sixty five thousand dollars. For engraving (except face-plates), printing, and finishing c notes for national banking ussociatzous, one hundred and ton the dollars. For engraving, printing, and iiuisbing certificates of letters patent., seven hundred dollars.