Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/240

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212 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 332. 1884. INDIAN AFFAIRS. Creek Nation of For this amount, to pay the Creek Nation of Indians for one hundred I¤di¤¤¤· and fifty-one thousand eight hundred and seventy and forty-eight hundredths acres of land, being the amount taken by the United States 14 Stat,786. in excess of the estimate made in the third article of the treaty with said Indians proclaimed August eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- six, at thirty cents per acre, forty five thousand hve hundred and sixty- one dollars in full payment for said land. N.J.Smith,pay- To pay amount iound due N. J. Smith, as per certificate of Second ment *0- Comptroller numbered eighteen hundred and forty-eight, dated June ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, under appropriation made by 19 Stat., 197. the act of August fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, for “ payment of indebtedness incurred by Silas H. Sweetland," one hundred dollars. UNITED STATES GEOLOGIGAL SURVEY. United States For the United States Geological Survey: For the Geological Sur- G•><>l<>zi¢¤l_S¤IV¤y- vey, and the classification of the public lands, and examination of the APP’°P"‘““°"· geological structure, mineral resources, and products of the national domain, and to continue the preparation of a geological map of the United States, including the pay of temporary employees in the field and office, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, three hundred and eighty-six thousand dollars. And the scientific employees of the Geological Survey shall be selected by the Director, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior exclusively for their qualifications as professional experts. Salaries. For salaries of the scientific assistants of the Geological Survey: For salary of five geologists, at four thousand dollars each; For salary of two geologists at three thousand dollars each; ` For salary of one geologist, at two thousand seven hundred dollars; For salary of two geologists, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; For salary of two geologists, at two thousand dollars each; For salary of one paleontologist, four thousand dollars; For salary of one paleontologist, two thousand dollars; For salary of one chemist, three thousand dollars; For salary of one chemist, two thousand dollars; d For salary of one chief gcographer, two thousand seven hundred ollars; For salary of three geographers, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; For salary of one general assistant, three thousand dollars; For salary of three topographers, at two thousand dollars each, in all sixty-seven thousand seven hundred dollars. TENTH CENSUS. q-8,, th ..,,,,,1,,; For the work of taking the tenth census, and closing the Bureau ou · appropriation for J annary first eighteen hundred and eighty-five, including the salary of °°mPl**¤¤S· the Superintendent and of all clerks and other employees, thirty th0u· sand dollars. Printing. And in addition to the number of printed copies of the reports of the 22 stnt.,z41. tenth census authorized by the act entitled *‘An act to provide for the publication of the tenth census/’ approved August seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, there shall be printed twenty-tive thousand Compendium. copies of the Compendium of the Tenth Census, of which eight thousand copies shall be for the use of the Senate, sixteen thousand copies for the use of the House, and one thousand copies for the use of the Department of the Interior; and there shall also be printed and separately bound in paper covers an edition of each of the following-named monograph reports, the number of copies of each edition to be as follows.