Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/281

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FORTY-EIGHTH oosennss. sms. 1. cn. 334. 1884. 253 W. O. Holtzman, for rent of office, sixty five dollars; to E. Morrison, for W-0- H91t¤mv·¤- book binding material, one hundred and forty one dollars and ninety live cents; to G. W. Francis, for book·binding, one hundred dollars; to J_' MgD;t.°,;°,*;‘t, J. McDermott and Brothers, for repairs to wagon for use of assessors, & Brothers. twenty dollars and forty cents; in all, nine hundred and seventy nine do lars. For contingent expenses of assessors office one hundred and thirty Assessors omce. five dollars. I For Washington Asylum: The sum of three thousand five hundred Washington dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the unexpended A¤Yl¤m· balances of appropriations made in the last and present fiscal years for the support and maintenance of the Washington Asylum, is hereby reappropriated fcr the construction and furnishing of a new hospital ward within the grounds of said asylum. For contingent expenses of fire department, one thousand two hun- Fi¤¤d¤1>¤¤¤¤¢>¤*~ dred dollars. _ For public schools: For rent of school building at Fourteenth and N. Public ¤<=b<>¤l¤- streets northwest, seven hundred and fifty dollars; for fuel, hve hundred dollars; for contingent expenses, five thousand dollars. For judicial expenses, six thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, J udicial ex- That one half of the foregoing sums to meet deficiencies in the appro- P°§,r°°¤·, priations on account of the District of Columbia shall be paid from the °"°°‘ revenues of the District of Columbia, and one-half from any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated. To provide for the payment for land taken for a reservoir under the Lmd, *°k°¤ M “ Act to increase the water supply of the city of Washington, and for '°°2§l§€;;·°{gg3_ other purposes ", approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty- " two, eighty-seven thousand ive hundred dollars: Provided, That this BMW- appropriation shall be subject to the same provisions and restrictions namedinsaidactof the] b H ml C1 b H For the payment taxes upon the property of e 0 um ia ospi _ 0 ¤¤¤ is vvfor Women assessed prior to March, eighteen hundred and seventy {km £:cY"*°°", °f three, five thousand three hundred and twenty dollars and fifty three °°’ ° cents, and the Attorney General of the United States is hereby directed to proceed against the warrantors upon the covenants in the conveyance to recover back said sum in the name of the United States. That the parties named below be allowed the amounts set opposite their names in full of expenses incurred by them, respectively, in contestedrelection cases: ToWilliam E. English, twothousand dollars;S.J .Pcelle, twothousand _ Contested-elec dollars; S. B. Peters, one thousand dollars; J. R. Chalmers, two thou- *¤°¤ °3*°°¤» °“°"‘ sand dollars; Van H. Manning, two thousand dollars; F. A. Manza· °“°°°"" nares, two thousand dollars; Jonathan H. Wallace, two thousand dollars; William McKinley, jr., two thousand dollars; Jas. E. Campbell, two thousand dollars; Henry L. Morey, two thousand dollars; John Paul, two thousand dollars, Charles T. 0’Farrell, two thousand dollars; B. T. Frederick, two thousand dollars; Jas. Wilson, two thousand dollars; George H. Craig, twelve hundred and fifty dollars; Charles M. Shelley, one thousand dollars; J no. E. Massey, three thousand five hundred dollars; Jno. S. Wise, three thousand five hundred dollars- George T. Garrison, two thousand dollars; C. C. Pool, five hundred dollars; T. G. Skinner, five hundred dollars; S. N. Wood, one thousand tive hundred dollars; R. M. Mayo, one thousand eight hundred dollars. And to the following-named persons, on account of expenses incurred by them in cases still undetermined, sums as follows, to be deducted from the sums respectively as dually allowed to them, to wit: To Jas. H. McLean, one thousand dollars; Jas. U. Broadhead, one thousand dollars.