Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/30

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2 FORTY-EIGHTB CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gus. 3, 4, 6. 1884. existing laws, to any sum not exceeding live hnndredihousand dollars, notwithstanding the limit heretofore iixed m its original articles of association and determined by the Comptroller of the Currency; and the Comptroller of the Currency is hereby authorized to Ex the limit of 111- crease of the capital stock of the First N ational Bank of Fort Worth, Texas, at the amount of five hundred thousand dollars. Approved, J annary 29th, 1884. CHAP. .— n act rovidin for the removal of the remains of the late Major Gen-

 eral Egwaiéi O. CPOrd, United States Army from Havana, Cuba, to Waslrington,

District of Columbia. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United M¤j¤r·G¤¤¤r¤l States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be Ed"’°"{ (Q C- Old? and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the remains of the late

L°{;°m°°°° Major General Edward 0. C. Ord, United States Army to be transported

‘ from Havana, Cuba, to Washington, District of Columbia and to pay the necessary expense of said transportation and of interment of the remains out of the appropriation for contingencies of the Army. Approved, January 31st, 1884. CHAP. 6.-An act makin a ro rlations to su 1 deficiencies on account of the

 appropriations fortheiiscgl ylegr elnding J uno thigcingb, eighteen hundred and eighty-

four,_in regard to rebate of tax on tobacco, and to proxnde for the expenses of the meoting 0 the Legislature of the Territory of New Mexico, and for ot or purposes. Bc it emwted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Demismy sp- States of America in Cemgreu assembled, That the following sums be, and 1>r¤pri•ti¤¤•· the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinailer stated, namely z Rebsmummsou For the purpose of paying the rebate claims as provided by section tobacco, snub'. ci- four of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and eightythree, eng’· ‘¤°~»22S***·» titled “An act to reduce internal-revenue taxation, and for other pur- ' p0ses," three million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. Payment ot em- For the purpose of reimbursing to the appropriation for the Bureau p1¤yé¤ i¤ B¤¤¤¤¤ of Engraving and Printing for the ilscal year ending June thirtieth, gfm*°f_jh_¤** B"` eighteen hundred and eighty-four, the sum of eight thousand one hun- ’ dred and thirty-seven dollars and sixty-two cents, expended by said Bureau in payment of persons employed in the Bureau of Internal Bevenue in and about the work of counting, canceling and redeeming internal-revenue checks and proprietary stamps during the months of July, August, September, October and November, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and for the payment of such persons as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall necessarily employ in his office in and about the work of counting, canceling, and redeeming internal-revenue checks and proprietary stamps, the pay for such labor to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, at rates not exceeding the rates usually paid for such work, twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may MM- be necessary: Provided, That the whole sum appropriated by this paragraph shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars. New Mexico; For the legislative expenses of the Territory of New Mexico, namely : {=!¤¤¢¤* of iw? For per diem of members and odioers of the legislative assembly, "" °‘P°”‘°' ° ‘ mileage of members, printing, incidental expenses, including seeretary’s office, and eight hundred dollars for translating bills, laws, and om nals of the legislative assembly, twenty-one thousand nine hundrediand png;. sixty-tive dollars: Provided, That the legislative proceedings, records, and laws of said Territory shall be printed in the English language.