Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/39

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FORTYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 23, 24, 25, 26. 1884. 1] CHAP. 23.-An act authorizin the Secretary of the Navy to 0H'er a reward of Apr. 17, 1884. twenty-five thousand dollars ger rescuing or ascertaining the fate of the Greely —-————···· expedition. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United I States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy t. Gm]? °§P"g" be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to make proclamation im- (f;;],,,;:;' :;,1 wig mediately, and cause said proclamation to be published and distributed me oil as thoroughly as may be in such foreign ports as are interested in navigation and traiiic in the Arctic seas, that the Government of the United States will pay a reward of twenty-five thousand dollars, to be equitably paid 01* distributed, to such ship or ships, person or persons, not in the military or naval service of the United States, as shall discover and rescue or satisfactorily ascertain the fate of the Greely expedition; but such proclamation shall not be made in terms that will involve the United States in any inture liability or responsibility beyond said reward, or will induce unprepared vessels to incur extraordinary peril or risk. And the determination of the Secretary of the Navy as to the right of any person to said reward or a share thereof, shall be conclusive upon all persons. Approved, April 17, 1884. CPAP. 24.-An wt to further suspend the 0 tion of section -§ve hundred and A . 1 , seventy-four of the Bevised Statutes of thro:. United Stateqttgle seventy-two, in relation to guano islands. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section fifty~five hundred R_Gg‘“5‘;)7_{¤l*;°0éit':; and seventy-four, title seventy-two, of the Revised Statutes of the m,Pé¤d°d,’°w_ ’ United States, be and the same is hereby, further suspended, as therein set forth, for the»period of ilve——years~next from andafter thepassage oft is act. . Approved, April 18, 1884. , CHAP. 25.-An not to amend section twenty-Bve hundred and twentyaevsn of the LPI'- 18, IBBL Revised Statutes, relating to the district of Gloucester. '*""*‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represoostatives (oétha United States of America in Congress assembled, That the second use bf sec- K- S- *2% 495- tion twenty-five hundred and twentyseven of the Revised Statutes, R<>¤kP¢>¤ ¤» describing the district of Gloucester, is hereby amended by making the “P°'° °f d°' town of Rockport a port of delivery therein. m' Approved, April 18, 1884. CHAP.26.—An aetmakiu itsfelon forapersoutofalnel and fraudulentl assume A 1884. or pretend to be an officefor emplcgee actgng under anthzrity of the Unitgd States -· or any Department or any omoex thereof, prescribing • penalty therefor. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That every person who, with . P°”°"' °"“,,“" intent to defraud either the United States or any person, falsely assumes :,8,:; IQ,,,,, ,,5 or pretends to be an odlcer or employee acting under the authority of the thezritycf the U. S. United States. or any Department, or any ofiioer of the Government thereof, and who shall take upon himself to act as such, or who shall in such pretended character demand or obtain from any person or hom the United States, or any Department, or any nicer of the Government thereof, any money, paper, document, or other valuable thing, shall be