Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/411

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Fonrrnrenru ooneunss. sees. II. ou. 2.41. isss. 383 For care, support, and education of Indian pupils at industrial, agri- Forotborscbools cultural, mechanical, or other schools, other than those herein provided ¥‘°*Sl";""d°d ,,€°' for, in any of the States or Territories of the United States, at a rate gltodgsfs or H` not to exceed one hundred and sixty-seven dollars for each pupil, Ante p. 91. eighty-three thousand five hundred dollars. And wherever the word ‘* children" or ‘* child " occurs in that part of the act making appropriations for the Indian service lor the tiscal year eighteen hundred and W,,,dnch,]d,.B,,» eighty-tive, approved July fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, or ‘*chi1d" to be under the heading “Support of schools," it shall be constructed to in- ¤<>¤¤¤‘¤•=d to iuclude all Indians of whatever age that may have been or are pupils in Q2‘,:§;’°vEd_;,‘f;‘“ °f any of the institutions therein provided for." ' For transportation of pupils to and from Indian schools. and also for Tmupnortatiou the transportation of Indian pupils from all the Indian schools and "I l’“l"l"· placing of them, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control of such suitable white iamilies as may in all respects be qualified to give such pupils moral, industrial, and educational training., under arrangements in which their proper care, support, and education shall be in exchange for the labor, twenty-eight thousand dollars. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to Secretary of Inreport to Congress, on or before December sixth, eighteen hundred and torior to report to eighty-tive, the amount if any, due the Miami Indians of Indiana and C"“g"'i’§u‘}f l” ° Kansas for money alleged to have been improperly taken trom moneys Q, 'ggmtg due to said Indians and paid to other Indians, in violation of the trea- 0 r Indiana a u d ties of eighteen hundred and fifty-tour and eighteen hundred and fifty- Kopwweight, including attorneys’ tees necessarily paid by said Indians. INTEREST UN TRUS'I‘·FUND STUCKS. fuL¤J<;¤;:£:·tr·¤•—¤- Sec. 2. For payment of interest on certain abstracted and non-paying State stocks belonging to the various Indian tribes, and held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-tive, namely: For trust-iund interest due Cherokee national fund, twenty-six thou- _Ch¤rok oo unsand and sixty dollars; “°“"‘] f““d· For trust-fund interest due Cherokee school-fund, two thousand four Cboroker ~·<=bool hundred and ten dollars; _ f““d· For trust·fund interest due Chickasaw national fund, nineteen thou- _Cl¤i¢k¤¤=¤*‘ ¤·=·- sand eight hundred and twenty dollars; °‘°"“1 f'““L For trust-fund interest due Choctaw general fund, twentyseven thou Chwmw :·*¤·¤¤·l sand dollars; f"'"" For trusttnnd interest due Delaware general fund, eight thousand D¤l=¤W=¤¢ svnnine hundred and thirty dollars; · °""l f‘““‘· For trust-fund interest due Iowas, three thousand five hundred and Iow¤¤· twenty dollars; For trust—t'und interest due Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Pianke- _K=•¤k¤¤ki=¤.Poo shaws, four thousand eight hundred and one dollars; ;X;"“;"g""d Pk For trust-fund interest due Kaskaskia, Wea, Peoria, and Piankeshaw school-fund, one thousand tour hundred and thrty-nine dollars; For trust-fund interest due Menomonees, nine hundred and fifty dol- Meuomonees. lars; For trust-fund interest due Ottawas and Chippewas, two hundred and 0 t t n w as and thirty dollars; in all, ninety-five thousand one hundred and seventy Ul**Pl*¤"¤~¤- dollars. » Sec. 3. That no purchase of supplies for which appropriations are Purchasesofsupherein made exceeding in the aggregate tive. hundred dollars in value RIM W lw *4*** at any one time shall be made without lirst giving at least three weeks’ *'°"'l° °x°“l’°'°“* public notice by advertisement, except in cases of exigency, when, in the discretion of the Secretaiy of the Interior, who shall make official record of the facts constituting the exigency and shall report the same to Congress at its next session, he may direct that purchases may be made in open market in amount not exceeding three thousand dollars.