Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/461

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 344. 1885. 433 purposes. including gas and oil for murine barracks maintained at the various navy-yards and stations; and water at marine barracks, Boston, Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New York ; Annapolis, Mzxrylmul, and Mare Island, California; also straw for bedding for enlisted men at the various posts, and furniture for Government houses; in all, twenty-five thousand dollars. At the Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For superintend- Iiuvel Asylum, ent, six hundred dollars; steward, four hundred and eighty dollars; Ph*1°d°]Pl¤¤» P°·- matron, three hundred and sixty dollars; chief cook, two hundred and forty dollars; two assistant cooks, one hundred and sixty-eight dollars each; chief laundress, one hundred and ninety-two dollars; six laundresses, at one hundred and sixty-eight dollars each; twelve scrubbers and waiters, st one hundred and sixty-eight dollars each; six laborers, at two hundred and forty dollars each; stanblekeeper and driver, three hundred and sixty dollars; master-ut;·ar·ms, tour hundred and eighty · dollars; corporal, three hundred dollars; barber, three hundred and sixty dollars; carpenter, eight hundred and forty-five dollars; waterreut and gas, two thousand dollars; cemetery and burial expenses, and headstoues, three hundred and iitty dollars; improvement of grounds, tive bunered dollars; repairs to buildings. and thr gmtes, furnaces, ranges, furniture, and repairs of furniture, four thousand five hundred dollars; and for support of beneliciaries, forty-three thousand five hundred dollars; in all, sixty thousand and sixty-seven dollars, which sum shall be paid out of the income from the naval pension fund. To enable the President to strengthen the naval establishment of the Additional ves- United States by additional vessels of the best and most; modern design, sclnfor increase of having the high ·st attainable speed, the sum of one million eight hun- N"Y· drcd and uiuetyhve thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be ex- , pumled as follows and under the following limitations: For the construction of two cruisers of uoc less than three thousand Qonstructiou or nor more than five thousand tous displacement, costing, exclusive of °¤¤¤°¤‘¤ Md 8¤¤· armament., nos more than one million one hundred thousand dollars Mag; has um · each; one heavily armed guuboat of about sixteen hundred tous dis- ’ P ’ ` placement, costing, exclusive of armament, not more than five hundred ‘ and twenty thousand dollars; and one light gunboat of about eight hundred tous displacement, costing, exclusive of armament, not more than two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars; and autlmriry is hereby given for the construction of said four vessels, ut not or ·•·•·•uug the total cost for each above specified, in accordaneewith euuh lima! plan as may be determined upon, after :1 revision and reconsideration of all designs which have been heretofore made, and in the manner and conformity to the conditions and limitations pmvided for the construe- r tion of the new cruisers in the acts of Angus: tlftb, eighteen hundred 2* °h· and eighty-two, and of March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, 1g§g ,.0j_ 22 6h_ except so mr as said acts provide for and dellue the dudes of Naval 97, p. 371. ' Advisory Board. _ _ Sec. 2 That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to return Return cfntenmcr the Arctic steamer Alert to Her Majesty’s Government, with the thanks U2': $:_f°¥’“"** of the Government of the United States for the generous and graceful °'° °" ‘ acc of courtesy in so promptly tendering the gift of that vessel, und for the valuable service thereby rendered to the cause of science uml humeuit *. Smczt 3. Thom the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby,direoted h_s°t;::*:;’£ :° to transfer to the Treasury Department, for use as e revenue-cutter in hunt, Dum: the waters of Alaska, the steamer Bear, of the late Greeley relief ex· mug; n..,," pediziou, and is hereby authorized topleoe the •te•merThetiebr use Thais to be uni in the Navy, ee a surveying vessel or otherwise. h *h° N°'>‘· Approved, Merch 3 1885. ' xxu1——28