Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/606

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578 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 237. 1884. uw ¤¤¤€¤· To Elijah Brown, of Ripley County, one hundred and twenty-tive - dollars. To Thomas Boone, of Jennings County one hundred dollars. To Samuel J. Wright, administrator. oi? Pleasant D. Bean, deceased, of Harrison County, seventy-five dollars. To Stephen T. Bruce, of Dearborn County, two hundred and fifty dollars. To Davis M. Brumblay, of Deaborn County, one hundred and twenty- (ive dollars. To Isaac. N. Blasdel (in his own right), of Ripley County, one hundred and thirty-five dollars; and to Hiram L. Walker, administrator of Reuben Blasdel, deceased, of Ripley County, one hundred and thirty five dollars; in all, two hundred and seventy dollars. To William W. Borden, of Clark County, six dollars and twenty cents. To Jacob Bourquin (or Burquain), of Dearborn County, one hundred and ten dollars. To Mary J. Bybee, widow of James Bybee, deceased, of Harrison County, seventydivc dollars. To William Cravens, administrator of William Cravens, deceased, of Scott County, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. To John N. Cravens, of Scott County, one hundred dollars. To Mary J. Conchman, admini tratrix of William D. Conchman, of Jennings County, eighty dollars. To John P. Stronse, administrator of Isaac Comer, deceased, of Scott County, one hundred and thirty dollars. d T10 Thomas C. Coker, of Washington County, one hundred and thirty o ars. - To Martha J. Cunningham, administratrix of Wirt F. Cunningham, deceased, of Jackson County, one hundred and twenty-hve dollars. hgo Sarah Davis. of Washington County, one hundred and thirty dol- To Harrison Davis of Jennings County, one hundred dollars. To William Dolman, of Jefferson County, one hundred and twenty- Eve dollars. _ To Samuel J. Wright, administrator of Thomas K. Eulow, deceased, ° of Harrison County, two hundred and fifty dollars, To Thaddeus Elliott, of Jennings County, seventy-five dollars. To William S. Frakes, of Harrison (kmnty three hundred and forty- |ixTdoSll:rs spdrilftvy cents. _ o mne . right, administrstorof Jacob M. Fellmy deceased, of Harrison County, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. , To Nicholas Foltz, administrator of Benedict Foltz, deceased, of Bipley County, three hundred and thirty dollars. To E. P. Hicks, of Jennings County, one hundred and thirty dollars. To Edgar A. Walker, administrator of John Henning, deceased, of Scott County, one hundred and ten dollars. To Joseph Hemingway, of Jennings County, eighty five dollars. To James B. Dickerson, administrator of Fielding Hyatt, deceased. of Ripley County, fifty six dollars and twenty-five cents. To Frederick J. Hilcher (or Hilkar), of Harrison County, one hun -dred and twenty-five dollars. To William D. Hutchings, of J eiferson County, one hundred and thirtynve dollars. brillo Thomas Harper, of Ripley County, one hundred and twenty dol- To Martha Higbee, administratrix of Nathaniel Higbee, deceased, of Ripley County, one hundred and ten dollars. To Mathew Clegg, administrator of John M Hornaday, deceased, of Jackson County, three hundred and forty-five dollars. To Lewis H. Hill, executor of Jonathan Hill, deceased, of Ripley County, one hundred and twenty-dve dollars.