Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/799

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CONV ENTION—CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. APRIL 9, 1884, JUNE 9, 1884. 771 there may be in connection with the exchange of money-orders under the terms of this convention between the Cgpe Colony and the United States shall be adjusted through the Agent- eneral of the Cape Colony in London. If pending the settlement of an account one of the two Postal ad- P“Ym°”$‘? °“ °°‘ ministrations shall ascertain that it owes the other a balance exceeding $Q;‘;,};°° mg ut" tive hundred pounds (£500) sterling, the indebted administration shall pom; promptly remit the approximate amount of such balance to the credit of the other. This account shall be in accordance with the forms ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’ and ‘G’, annexed to this convention. ARTICLE 13. Until the two Postal Administrations shall consent to an alteration, Equivalent value it is agreed that in all matters of account relative to money—orders which of P<>¤¤d ¤¢¢>FU¤z· shall result from the execution of the present Convention, the pound sterling of Great Britain shall be considered as equivalent to four dol— lars, eighty-seven cents of the money of the United States. Anrrcui 14. The Postal Administration in each country shall be authorized to Additional rules. adopt any additional rules (if not repugnant to the foregoing) for the greater security against fraud, or for the better working of the system generally. All such additional rules, however, must be promptly communicated to the Post-Oilice of the other country. Anrrcnn 15. This present Convention shall take effect on the first day of July 1884 C<>¤¤¤¤$w¤¤=¤¤t and shall continue in force until twelve months after either of the con- 'md d“’“*‘°“· tracting parties shall have notified to the other its intention to terminate it. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope at Cape Town on the ninth day of April, one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-four. [sun.} Hnncumzs Ronmsou, . Governor. Done in duplicate and signed in Washington on the ninth day of June, Signaturesin the year of our Lord, 1884. [snap.] WALTER Q Gnnsmm, Postmaster General of the United States. I hereby approve the foregoing convention, and in testimony thereof, [ have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto atlixed. [san.] CHESTER A. ARTHUR. ' By the President Fnnnx. T. FRELINGHUYSEN, Secretary of State. Wasnmcrou, June 10th, 1884.