Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1141

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1 1 14 mnnx. Page.PKR9- .McCuIl¢r, Isaac, McGu_fee, Jesse, _ _ payment to administrators 01 -... . 762 payment to administrator of .. . . . . 948 McCulloch, John, McG1¢ire, John, payment to .. .. . . 762 payment to. t. . . . . . . . . 681 .]1cL'ullough, A. W.,Jlcllvaine, William H., _ payment ofjndgment ofCourt ofClaimsto. 281 - payment to .. . . . . . . . . 714 Jlolfullough. U`. W., M•.·Int·ire, Morgan, ___ payment to . . . . . . C64 payment to. . . ... ...- 646 llclfulchan, Martha G., i Mclnturjf Samuel, payment to administrator of . . ---. 947paynwut to ...- .. .- ·-·- -····· - ·---- ·-···· 762 Jlebaniel, F. M., * < McKame¥1,L7ame0 i1){.,d_ h 918 payment to .. . . . . 982 ; gmute 0¤_01‘&\ 6 150 ¤·¥`g0 --·- · --··-- ·-· Ncbanicl, Llary H., . McKay, John P., _ _A payment to __,,,_,_,, ,,,, .,,, . .,... . . 762 Q payment to administrator of ····· 763 Jlcllermotr, Darid L., McKean, Patrick, pension ,,_. , ,_,_ ,, ,_,,_,_ ,,__ ..., ..,. ,.., S-I4 M]?\Si(g1$ Q .t&·.5 -·-· ·· .- -·-- -··· 815 Llobonald, E UT c ee, e ecca eese u·1 vic , pension .. . . . . .. S05 { pension .. . . . . . · . 809 Jill Donald, John P., { McKee, Robert C., pension ..,. . ,,... . .,. 909 z pension restored . . .. . 792 McDonald, John S., McKee, Thomas, payment of damages to, from Government payment to .. -. . . 948 dam, Menashu, Wis .. . . 2:53 ‘ McKenna, Ceceliu C. (mother), Jlobonough, J[ark, pension increased. ... .. . . 816 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to. 282 McKenna, Joseph, Jllclilhinny, Harry, , M]?’m€l|t£0 -. 286 pension . . . . . . . 894 c annie, . R., McElroy, John P., [ payment to executor of . .. . . ... 664 pension ..,.. , , ... ,,.-.. .. 860.1[cIfinney,Darirl, McElu·ee, Samuel S., i pension . .. . . 694 payment to administratrix of 949 { McKinscy,Jolm, _McEln·ra¢h, David AL, payment to .. . . . . . .,.,,,_ 673 payment to -... ...- .. 948 r McKinslry, W.%, fc MeE¤vmn, John L., paymentof ’u mento ourt of Claims t0. 276 payment to administrator of . ... . 665 4 Mcliinzie, Dai!id,g McFadden, E. A., 3 I Mpgymenkt tohadrpinistrators of. 763 pension .. . . .. --.. .. . . 91 ‘c iosac ,Jo n ’., McFadden, William, i payment to administrators of ,.,, _,,_ _ ___, _ 949 pension., .. ...- .. .. .. 924 V McKilh·i¢·l·,Adam, McFarland, Louisa J. (widow), i puynielpt of damages to, Fox and Wiseon in pension . - . ... 724 , ivers. ...,. ., _,,_,__, ____ _ 284 M¢·F¤rlim H· P-, ‘ Mezmym, Hugh p&¤Si01¤ 1‘¤5T010d - ·---- · ·------- ··- -·---·- 794 [ payment to administrator of . . 664 JI¤G¢"`!I»J0*¢Pl'· _ _ JIvKnight, William F., P°F'“°”* *° °dm'¤"*”t°¥' of ·---·-·--·-·-- 760 · pnviuent to administrator of 654 McG¢¤··y. Williavv,1 yetés., Employ .v_ '````' '` payment to executrix of .. .. .. 678 [ payment fc _____ _______ 664 Mpggnifdt fglaldministrator of 664 I J10L:??` Liuimw E" ··-·. ·-··-. -·'-·- . ··--· • -··-- --· , Olicaii 1"s · ____ _ yalixam p,, .152 { MEL":", Jamzigirne remoyed ____ gm =_, -..--·-·-··· - ··-·· · ·----·-·-·~ • r paymentoi"nd ment of Court of Clai s to. 2T M¢·¢·¤···» Flrrwy. .‘11t·Lm,.i»h"J¢;,F m ° vl‘?;;'*";;§ tzé -··•· - -——· ~ -··· · ···-- · ···-·-· 663 , payment to. ..,,, , ,____ _ ____________ _ ____ _ ggg r " · · " » . » Mc.Vahon,G¢noral.1[ar¢iu 11,

 §jj"d'°" °f ‘‘‘‘‘' "" ‘‘‘‘ "" 946 E appointed manager, National Home for

p,“.u,c,,t ,0 __ ______ __ ______ _ _________ ____ GM Dlwblenl ioluntcers . , ,,,,,____ 343 ,}1cGinnee,éIoh1•52., f l -u;;K:'I[:’);» M".'! (Wd0W), 896 avmen to a ministrator o ..,... ..-. ..., ’ s' ···-·- · ----·--- - -.·. .. ,]1h)GiM•ia,tI:avid, 643 | Mggllxlg. [{009 A. (widow), Bu a men o .. . . . . . . . . 962* _~ -·-;·· ~---·- ·- ·--- · . . . ..-. Alhtliinuis, Wm. (or William D.), { Mc-vf*'k*”'» Wimumy _ _ pavniept to . . -... . . . .,..,.,,, 774 _ d€h°*°¤°Y ¤p¥;{;>p1ii§h<;n fo'? as surveyor Mcglen, “,,,,,_ · genera as mg on erritor , ..,, 271 , pension ..., .. . .. .,§ ..,.. , 914 g MCHillan,DanieI, y _110Q lolhlin, Joseph, ‘ payment to ..., ,_,_ _ ____ _ ____ _ _____ _ _____ 948 payment to administratrix of. ...,.. . ,_,__ 555.McJ!illan,Joseph, jiecolariek, J. R., l pension restored . .-.. ,,,, _ 730 payment to. for postal funds lost . .,,_ 903 · McMill¢m,Ja»•eu, "° jlodowan, H. B., l i payment to ____ __,_ ____ _ _____ ____________ 948 payment to aelmmstrator of . . 664 · McMillan, John A,, MoGoa·m•,Joha, * Payment to administratrix of ,,,_ _ ________ 949 pension .. . . . . . . .. .,, @65 _ Mc.H·illan,R,,\(,, _McGou·an, Lliohael A., _ !'¤f¤¤d of succession tax to, as ];si;·.gg.|,w payment of Judgment of Court of Clmmsto. 292 _ of J sings Stewart _____ __ _ ____ B2, Jf¤6#¤ye!.·¥icl•¤¢I.Mcmllen Andrew F `````` P°“5“’“ m"°a“d ···· ·-·· ---- ·· -·----···· 947 Pvyment to of _______ ___ ____ 781