Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/142

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 584, 585, 599. 1886. 107 CHAP. 584.5An act to legalize and validate the general laws of the Territory of June 30, 1886. Dakota. for the incorporation of insurance companies and for other purposes. —-—i— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all general laws hereto- Dakota Terriro~ fore enacted by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Dakota pro- W- . viding for the incorporation of insurance companies are hereby legal- CO?;;;,;:,?, E;} ized and made valid, and are declared to have the same force and effect surgnce c om p a - as if the said legislative assembly had had full power and authority to nies, d e c l =¤ re d enact the same; and all insurance companies incorporated under said "“l"l· laws and in accordance therewith are hereby declared to have been legally incorporated. Approved, June 30, 1886. CHAP. 585.-An act for the erection of a public building at El Paso, Texas. June 30, 1886. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the El Paso, Texas. Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to purchase or P¤l>ll¤ l>¤ll•li¤g· otherwise provide a site and cause to be erected thereon a substantial and commodious building, with tire-proof vaults, for the use and accommodation of the United States custom-house, post-office, and Federal courts, and for other Government uses, at El Paso, in the State of Texas. ' The site, and building thereon, when completed upon plans and speci- Site, plans, cost. iications to be previously made and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall not exceed in cost the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; nor shall any site be purchased until estimates for Estimates. the erection of a building which will furnish sufficient accommodations for the transaction of the public business, and which shall not exceed in cost the balance of the sum herein limited after the site shall have been purchased and paid for, shall have been approved by the Secre- _ _ tary of the Treasury; and no purchase of site, nor plan for said build- Lumling, shall be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury involving an expenditure exceeding the said sum of one hundred and nfty thousand dollars for site and building; and the site purchased shall leave the building unexposed to danger from tire by an open space of at least Open space. fifty feet, including streets and alleys: Provided, That no part of said P#‘¢>vi¤¤· sum shall be expended until a valid title to the said site shall be vested Titlein the United States, nor until the State of Texas shall cede to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein. Approved, June 30, 1886. CHAP. 599.-For the relief of Fitz~John Porter. July 1, 1386, Whereas, the board of Army officers convened by the President of Preamblethe United States by special orders numbered seventy-eight, headquarters of the Army, April twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, to examine into and report upon the case of Fitz John Porter, late a majorgeneral of the United States volunteers and a brevet brigadiengeneral and colonel of the Army, having by their report of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, stated that, in their opinion, •* justice required at his (the Presidents hands) such action as may be necessary to annul and set aside the iindings and sentence of the courtmartial in the case of Major-General Fitz John Porter, and ’to restore him to the positions of which the sentence deprived him, such restoration to take effect from the date of dismissal from the service;" and Whereas the President, on the fourth day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, remitted so much of the sentence of said court-martial