Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/603

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570 FO RTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 388. 1887. S the a ui li o a is Inland transportation by steamboat routes, four hundred and fifty ¤°°§;°°· H mm thousand dollars. im °"°”gMailmessenger service, nine hundred thousand dollars. Bags aud bag- Mail-bags and mail-bag catchers, two hundred and seventy-five thou- °"*°h°"· sand dollars. Looks aud keys. Mail-locks and keys, twenty-three thousand dollars. Railroad routes. Inland transportation, railroad routes, fifteen million eight hundred and sixty seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-two dollars; of which a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars may be employed to pay Fmghtonposm the freight on transportation of postal cards, stamped envelopes, and cards,etc. stamped paper from the manufactories to postoffices and depots of distribution. Postal oars. Railway postoftice-car service, one million nine hundred and thirty- four thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. Railway postal Railway post office clerks, four million nine hundred and ninety thou- ¢l¤¤‘k¤- sand two hundred and forty dollars and sixty~two cents. Special facili- Necessary and special facilities on trunk lines, twohnndred and ninety- ties. five thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty-three cents. * mnnnunnnnnn Miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. Third Assistant oFFIcE OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT P0srMAsTER-GENERAL. Postmaster - Gen - _ orgtamps. For manufacture of adhesive postage and special-delivery stamps, . one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. · 1;;,1,,-;;,nm,n_ For pay of agent and assistants to distribute stamps, and expenses of `agency, eight thousand one hundred dollars. Stamped envel- For manufacture of stamped envelopes, newspaper-wrappers, and ¢P¤¤, etc. letter-sheets, seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars. Distribution. For pay of agent and assistants to distribute stamped envelopes, . newspaper-wrappers, and letter-sheets, and expenses of agency, sixteen thousand dollars. Postal cards. For manufacture of postal cards, two hundred thousand dollars. Distribution. For pay of agent and assistants to distribute postal cards, and expenses of agency, ten thousand three hundred dollars. · omoial, etc., eu- For registered-package, tag, ofhcial, and dead-letter envelopes, eighty-

  • ¤l<>l¤=¤- seven thousand five hundred dollars.

Ship, etc., let- For ship, steamboat, and way letters, two thousand dve hundred tm- dollars. printing, emu For engraving, printing, and binding drafts and warrants, two thoudrufts. sand five hundred dollars. Ljigcgllgnggilg, For miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. Superintendent OFFICE UF THE sU1>1aRiNTENDENtr OF FOREIGN MA1Ls. foreign mails. . T,,,,,SP0mm,,,,_ d Ear transportation of foreign mails, four hundred and fifty thousand o ars. Balance (ine for- For balance due foreign countries, seventy-five thousand dollars. eign ¤¤¤¤tri•¤¤· Sec. 2. That if the revenues of the Post-Office Department shall be insufficicnt to meet the appropriations made by this act, a sum equal to such deficiency of the revenues of said Department is hereby appro- A,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to priated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise meat deficiencies. appropriated, to supply the said deficiencies in the revenue of the Post- Oflice Department for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. Approved, March 3, 1887.