Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/90

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS, Sess. I. Gus. 346, 347. 1886. 55 Sm:. 2. That for the purpose named in the preceding section there be, Appropriation. and hereby is, appropriated the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, out of any moneys in tho Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, May 17, 1886. CHAP. 347.-An act authorizing tha construction of n bridge across the Missouri May 1;; ]886 River at or near the city of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and for other purposes. in Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the New York and Coun- Naw york and ci! Bluffs Railway Company, an incorporation organized under sho laws C c u¤ c i 1 Blush of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa, its successors or as- R”'1‘;“Y ?°”*3’°¤Y signs, is hereby authorized to construct and maintain a bridge across {:1}; °t{1;z§m0E: the Missouri River ms such point as may be hereafter selected by said ri Rggr in 1mm_ corporation, between the north and south lines of the county of Potmwautamic, in the State of Iowa, and at least 0I10·thi1`d of an mile from any other bridge, as shall best promote the public convenience and welfare and the necessities of business and commerce, and also to coustmct and maintain the accessory works necessary to secure the best practicable channel-way for navigation and to counnc the How of the water to a. permanent channel at such point, and also, if the said corporation shall deem its for the best interests of the public so to do, to lay ou and over said bridge a. railway track, for the more perfect councctiou of any railroads that are or shall be constructed to said river at or opposite to said point; and said corporation shall construct and wagon and foot maintain ways for wagons, carriages, and for foot-passengers, and may b¤‘id:¤· charge and receive such reasonable toll therefor as may be approved Tom. hom time to time by the Secretary of War: Provided, That said bridge, Promo. and all the property belonging thereto or connected therewith, may be C°mbi¤°d Milcoustructed, maintained, and used as a. combined railway and wagon f)‘:gg°“d ‘"‘€°“ bridge, for the safe and convenient passage of wagons, carriages, stock, ' steam, cable, and street cars, foot-passengers, and all road travel, or as a wagombridgc alone, for the safe and convenient passage of wagons, carriages, stock, and foot-passengers, as tho said corporation shall elect, as herein before provided; but if the said corporation shall elect to build xm combined railroad and wagon bridge, than the track for wagons, carriages, stock, and foot-passengers shall not be upon the same space as that used for railroad track and cars. ` S20. 2. That said bridge shall be constructed and built without ma- Free navigation terial interference with the security and convenience of navigation of :3* *°b° °b°¤'°°*· said river beyond what is necessary to carry into effect the rights and ‘ privileges hereby granted; and in order to secure that object: the said 1>1¤¤¤, em., subcompany or corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his gf: *° ¤PP*i°;§?1 °f examination and approval, a design and drawings of the bridge, and a. '°°“Y ° “" map of the location, giving, for the space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location, the topography of the banks of the river, the shorolincs at high and low water, the direction and strength of nbc currents at all stages, and the soundings, accurately showing the bed of the stream, the location of any other bridge or bridges, and shall fumish such other information as may be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject ; and until the said plan and location of the bridge are approved by the Secretary of Wm- the bridge shall not be built: Provided, That if the said bridge shall be made with Pf¤vi•¢¤· unbroken and continuous spans, it shall have three or more channel- SP'“‘“· spans, and shall not be of less elevation in any casa than fifty feet above extreme high-water mark, as understood at the point of location, to the bottom chord of the bridge, nor shall the spans of said bridge be less than three hundred feet in length, and the piers of said bridge shallbo parallel with the current of said river, and the main span shall bcovcr the main channel of the said river and not less than three hundred foot in length: And provided also, That if any bridge built uudqr this act