Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/913

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FORTY·NIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 18, 19. 1887. 883 James A. Bartlett, fireman, six hundred dollars; and to the remaining survivors of the crew of aid vessel, namely: Louis P. Noros, Herbert W. Leach, Henry Wilson, Frank E. Manson, Charles Tong Sing, seamen`, and John Lauterbach, coal-heaver, the sum of six hundred dollars eac . Sec. 2. That the twenty-third day of March, eighteen hundred and Date or aeeesse eighty-two, being the date of finding the remains of the commanding °*` °m°°¤*» °*°·» *·° officer and others of the said expedition, shall, be deemed and taken to QQ fg32mm u‘“'°h be the date of the decease of the following named officers and enlisted ’» men of the expedition who lost their lives in the retreat from the wreck of the said steamer Jeannette, namely: Lieutenant-Commander`George W. De Long; Lieutenant Charles W. Chipp; Passed Assistant Surgeon James M. Ambler- Jerome J. Collins, meteorologist; William Dunbar, ice-pilot; Walter Lee, machinist; Henrich H. Kaack, Carl A. Gortz, Adolph Dressler, Hans H. Erichsen, Ah Sam, Alfred Sweetman, Henry D. Warren, Peter E. Johnson, Edward Star, and Albert G. Kuehne, seamen; Nelse Iverson, George W. Boyd, and Walter Sharvill, coalheavers; and seaman Alexy. , Sec. 3. That the accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are '1‘w¤1v¤_menths" hereby, authorized and directed to allow to the widow of any deceased PW *°, hgn °f "°· officer or enlisted man named in the second section of this‘act, or if fm, ° °°" me there be no widow living, to the lawful child, or children of such de- ` ceased, or if there be no widow or child living, to the surviving dependent parent or parents of such deceased, if any, a sum equal to twelve months’ pay according to the rate of pay at which the name of such deceased was borne upon the pay-rolls of the said steamer Jeannette: Provided, That the legal representatives of the deceased olicers and Pmvtooe. enlisted men named in the second section of this act shall also be paid PGN ¤*P¤‘¤¤¤¤*- from the Treasury any arrears of pay due such deceased, the same to be :::_°*},}° h“'° °" computed up to and including the said twenty-third day of March, Pay' eighteen hundred and eighty-two: Provided further, That the relatives, in the order herein named, of Seaman Aniguin, one of the crew of the Seaman Aniguin. steamer Jeannette, and who, while connected with said expedition, died 1T¤Y¤¤¤¤¤ W Nlat Irkutsk, Siberia, January fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, “”"°’• shall in like manner be entitled to receive twelve months’ pay in addition to the amount due said deceased at the time of his death: Provided further, That the surviving child of Henry D. Warren,one of the crew H¤¤fY D- Wu'- of the Jeannette, shall in like manner be entitled to receive twelve "QL mmmmm,d months’ pay, and also the amount found due said deceased Warren at 0,; y the time of his death ; and that no moneys shall be paid the widow of said Warren under this act: Providedfurther, That in any case where A¤¤¤!¤* h¤r¤i¤ heretofore a pension has been granted, or may hereafter in fact be 3Qg;:¥;:5“,:gn*° gf granted, to any such widow, child, or dependent parent, by reason of ,,,,,,_ P° the death of any of the persons named in the second section of this act, . in the payment of such pension account shall be taken of any sum paid under this act, and to the extent of its amount said sum shall bein lieu and stead of such pension, and no further. Approved, January 3, 1887. CHAP. 19.——An act for the relief of Grafton Monroe. Jan. 3, 1887. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Auditor of the Treas- g¤‘°“b‘;“ ’{Y¤"°°‘i ury for the Post Odiee Department be, and he is hereby, directed, in cmg, ,-0, " ‘;:;_ adjusting the accounts of Grafton Monroe, late postmaster at Annapolis, gtampg m,,?::,,,,,,. Maryland, to credit him, the said Grafton Monroe, in his accounts as order funds stolen. such postmaster, with four thousand three hundred and fifteen dollars and thirteen cents, the same being for postage stamps and mon ey order funds burglariously stolen from the post»office at Annapolis, Maryland, on the morning of February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four,