670 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 154, 165, 166. 1889. by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall not exceed in cost the Sum of fifty thousand dollars, nor shall any site be purchased until estimates for the erection of a building which will furnish sufficient accommodations for the transaction of the public business, and which shall not exceed in cost the balance of the sum herein limited, after the site shall have been purchased and paid for, shall have been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury; and no purchase of site Limit sr cost. nor plan for said building, shall be approved by the Secretary of Treasury involving an expenditureexceeding the said sum of fifty thousand dollars for site and building ; and the site purchased shall leave the building unexposed to danger from fire by an open space Brew- of at least forty feet, including streets and alleys : frovided, Title ew- That no part of said sum shall be expended until a valid title to the said site shall be vested in the Unite States, nor until the State of Missouri shall cede to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein. Approved, February 13, 1889. February 14, 18%). CHAP. 165.-An act to authorize and empower the Mount Carmel Development "_‘_‘W Company to draw water from the Wabash River. or its tributaries, in the county of Wabash and State of Illinois. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ozf Representatives of the M<>¤¤¤ €¤¤rC·;¤¢1 De United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Mount Carisiiirpneiiiilmmamxg mel Development Company, a corporation created and existing under _ R*"°'· the laws of the State of Il inois, e, and the same is hereby, author- . ized. and em owered to construct and operate, during its corporate existence, a hydraulic canal from any point on the Wabash River above the lock and dam now in process of construction at the Grand Rapids of said Wabash River, or from any tributary of said river wit in the county of Wabash and State of Illinois, to any point on Said river within the corporate limits of the city of Mount Carmel, Illinois; and to draw from said Wabash River or tributary thereof such supply of water as may be required for the purposes of such cor- Pmmo. poration: Provided, That such withdrawal be not detrimental to the To be contained by interests of navigation and be subject to the direction and·control of S"’°""“"" °* ll *“”· the Secretary of War. Approved, February 14, 1889. _ Iiern-ui;¤·y14,18es_t_ CHAP. 166.-An act for the relief of General William F. Smith. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 3‘i1|i¤:,¤€ Fésmiéhm United States rj America in Congress assembled, That the President ,,,;,j§’{0¤Am{)y'°.°¤Qtir.5d be, and he is hereby. authorized to nominate and by and with the mh advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint William F. Smith, late major-general United States volunteers, to the osition of major of engineers in the Army of the United States, ancl)to place him on the retired list of the Army as of that grade, (the retired list being thereby increased in number to that extent); and all laws and parts (if lawls gnrlploréflpct herevgith are suspended for this purpose only: Prm‘gQw. ro/vu ec , a rom an after the assa e of this ac '
- ’8·**°¤*° °*°*· Shan be paid to the sem William F. Smith? t H0 p°mS1°H
Approved, February 14, 1889.