FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. `II. Cns. 172, 176. 1889. 673 CHAP. 172.-An act in relation to dead and fallen timber on Indian lands. F¢l>¤'¤¤¤‘Y i6· 1889- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President ¤1<¤i¤¤1e¤<iS- of the United States may from year to year in his discretion under ;8h$ZpKi$.i)°Zii1°ada°d such regulations as he may prescribe authorize the Indians residing on reservations or allotments, the fee to which remains in the United States, to fell, cut, remove, sell or otherwise dis se of the dead timber standing or fallen, on such reservation or allbtment for the sole benefit of such Indian or Indians. But whenever there is reasonable cause to believe that such timber has been killed, burned, irdled, or otherwise injured for the purpose of securing its sale under this act then in that case such authority shall not be granted. Approved, February 16, 1889. ' CHAP. 176.-An act to incorporate the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua. F°b"°¤"5' W 1889 `Whereas to facilitate commercial intercourse by water between the Preamble- Atlantic and the Pacific States as well as with foreign nations, it is deemed desirable for the public interest of the United States that a ship-canal be constructed between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, on what is known as the Nicaragua route: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Frederick Bil- M';}*f,ig”1‘$;§’$laC°l*{*é lings, Charles P. Daly, Daniel Ammen, Francis A. Stout, Horace L. mmmm. g Hotchkiss, Edward F. Beale, Hiram Hitchcock, C. Ridgeley Goodwin, I“°°"*’°"‘“°”· A. C. Cheney, J. F. O’Shau hnessy, H. C. Taylor, J. W. Miller, A. S. Crowninshield, A. G. Minocal, Charles H. Stebbins, T. Harrison Garrett, Jules Aldi e, R. A. Lancaster, Alfred E. Mills, Gustav E. Kissell, Horace Fairbanks, George H. Robinson, Alfred B. Darling, Joseph E. McDonald, James Roosevelt, Christian Devries, Frederick F. Thompson, Henry A. Parr, and such other persons as may be associated with them and their successors are hereby constituted and created a body corporate and politic in deed and in law, by the name, style and title of “The Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua," for the construction, equipment, management, and operation kT<> ¢2¤g¢¤;y¢¤}¢=1¤;:1 of a ship-canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean either entirely cxriiinocesiii c ° through the territory of the. Republic of Nicaragua or through Nicaragua and in art through the territory of the Republic of Costa Rica with such collateral, connecting, or cross canals as may be necessary to connect therewith, and to exercise such other powers as have been conferred by the Government of Nicaragua by the concession of that Republic to the Nicaragua Canal Association, through Mr. A. G. Menocal, its representative, and dated the twenty-third day of March, anno Domini ei V hteen hundred and eighty-seven, and finally approved by the legislative and executive authority of the Re pu ilic on the twentieth, twenty-third, and twenty-fourth days of April. anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and such powers as the Republic of Costa Rica may confer of the same kind - as those named in said concession; and the said Maritime Canal etg°'P°’”°'°° P°“'°¤ Company of Nicaragua, by that name shall have perpetual succession; ma sue and be sued. plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended in all courts of law and equity within the United States; may make and have a common seal: and shall have and possess the rights, powers, and privileges usually possessed by simiar com ianies. It may receive, purchase, hold, and convey such real and personal estate, roperty, and rights of property, or concessionary rights as may lie necessary to carry into effect the purposes of this act; may issue stock to the amount of the Just value of Issuinzswcksuch estate, property and rights and for work and labor done orsrnr 1..-voL XXv———43
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