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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1153

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1100 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 561. 1891. mma. by the legislative authority of a State or Territory: Provided, That ‘·*’“"· no more than six hundred and forty acres shall be embraced in one townsite entry. _ _ _ rugumsestortmde, Sec. 12. That any citizen of the United States twenty-one years °°°"""°“'“"‘ of age, and any association of such citizens, and any corporation incorporated under the laws of the United States, or of any State or Territo of the United States now authorized by law to hold lands in the Territories now or hereafter in fpossession of and occupying public lands in Alaska for the puigipose 0 trade or manufactures, may purchase not exceeding one hun red and sixty acres to be taken as near as practicable in a square form, of such land at two dollars and MM- I fifty cents per acre: Promded, That in case more than one person, “'°”° association or corporation shall claim the same tract of land the person, association or corporation havinguizlhe prior claim by reason of possession and continued occupation s be entitled to purchase the same; but the entry of no person, association, or corporation shall include improvements made by or in possession of anot er prior ‘ to the passalgle of this act. raymenz mm Sec. 13. at it shall be the duty of any person, association, or ""“* corporation entitled to gmrchase land under this act to make an ap- . plication to the United tates marshal, ex officio s1u·veyor-general of Alaska, for an estimate of the cost of making a survey of the lands ocupied by such person, association, or corporation and the cost of the clerical work necessary to be done in the office of the said United States marshal, ex omcio surveyor-general; and on the receipt of such estimate from the United tates marshal, ex officio surveyor general, the the said person, association, or corporation shall deposit n.s..sec.w1,p.¢40. the amount in a United States depository, as is uired by section ‘ pumberedstprentyiour hundred and one, Revise1d9‘Statutes, relating o eposi or surveys. ¤¤r•¤n- That on the receipt by the United States marshal, ex-officio surveyor-general, of the said certificates of de sit, he shall em loy a competent person to make such survey, undgi such rules andp regulations as may be adopted by the Secretary of the Interior, who shall make his return of his tieldnotes and maps to the office of the said United States marshal, ex-officio surveyor-general; and the said United States marshal, ex officio surveyor-general, shall cause the said field notes and plats of such survey to be examined, and, if correct, approve the same, and shall transmit certified co ies of such mgm and plats to the office of the Commissioner of the Gpeneral Land ce. ,,’;_Q¤_'&f°‘ °' °“’· hat when the said Held notes and plats of said surve shall have been aplproved by the said Commissioner of the General land Office, he sha notify such person, association, or corporation, who shall then, within six months after such notice, pay to the said United s Menu. marsgialigx oihcio surveyorgeneral, for such land, and patent s a issue or e same. m °*°··‘¤¤**¤» Sec. 14. That none of the provisions of the last two precedin sections of this act shall be so construed as to warrant the sale of any lands belonging to the United States which shall contain coal or the Brecious metals, or any town site, or which shall be occupied by the nited States for public purposes, or which shall be reserved for such_purposes, or to which the natives of Alaska have prior rights . mh gy yirtue of actual occupation, or which shall be selected by the mM_ °“““'° ***· mted States Commissioner of F1Sh and Fisheries on the island of Kadiak and Afo ak for the urpose of establishin fish-culture magnum-y stations. And agllracts of land) not exceeding six hunahed and forty acres in any one tract now occupied as missionary stations in said district of Alaska are hereby excepted from the operation of the last $°•¤¤l¤¤¤¤· three procedmcg sections of this act. No portion of the islands of the Pribylov _ roup or the Seal Islands of Alaska shall be subject to sale under this act; and the United States reserves, and there shall