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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1155

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1102 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 561. 1891. nmmmmmm no such right of wa shall be so located as to interfere with the proper §§,Yf"""“‘°"‘ °°““’“’ occupation by the Government of any such reservation, and al maps Am>r<>v¤¤- of location shall be subject to the approval of the Department of the Government having `urisdiction o such reservation, and the privilege- herein granted shall not be construed to interfere with the control of water for irrigation and other purposes under authority of the respective States or Territories. nnpswmmsd. Sec. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to secure the benefits of this act shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveved lands, and if upon unsurve ed lands, within twelve months after the survey thereof by the United? States, file with the register of the land office for the district where such land is located a map of its canal or ditch and A1>w¤v¤1- reservoir; and upon the approval thereof by the Secretary of the Interior the same shall be noted upon the plats in said office, and thereafter all such lands over which such rights of way shall pass shall be disposed of subject to such right of way. Whenever any person or corporation, in the construction of any canal, ditch, or res— Dunes ervoir, in `ures or damages the possession of aniy settler on the mliblic domain, the party committing such injury or amage shall be 'able to the partyrinjured for such injuiéyt or damage. M>,P§g·*•l•°°•“ Sec. 20. at the provisions of is act shall apply to all canals, 'ditches, or reservoirs, heretofore or hereafter constructed, whether - constructed by corporations, individuals, or association of individuals, on the ii ing of the certificates and maps herein provided for. If such ditch, canal, or reservoir, has been or shall be constructed by an individual or association of individuals, it shall be sufficient for such individual or association of individuals to file with the Secretary of the Interior, and with the register of the land office where said land is located, a map of the line of such canal, ditch, or reservoir, as in case of a corporation, with the name of the individual owner or owners thereof, together with the articles of association, if any there be. Plats heretofore filed shall have the benefits of this act from the Prvvwv. date of their filing, as though filed under it: Provided That if any section of said canal, or ditch, shall not be completed within five years after the location of said section, the rights herein granted shall be my *0* ¤°¤· forfeited as to any uncompleted section of said canal, ditch, or res- ' ervoir, to the extent that the same is not completed at the date of the forfeiture. U°°°°*¥’°’°°·"“· Sec. 21. That nothing in this act shall authorize such canal or ditch company to occupy such right of way except for the purpose of said canal or ditch, and then only so far as may be necessary for the construction, maintenance, and care of said canal or ditch.

 Sec. 22. That the section of land reserved for the benefit of the

r¤•<1 Gvmpny. Dakota Central Railroad Company on the west bank of the Missouri River, at the mouth of Bad River, as provided by section sixteen of V°*—*·P·°*~ "Au act to divide a portion of the reservation of the Sioux Nation of Indians in Dakota into separate reservations and to secure the relinquishment of the Indian title to the remainder and for other pur- F<>¤¢<>v¤¤i¤¤¤— poses," approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, _ shall be sublject to entry under the town-site law only. mE,§‘,F'j•§“¤¤‘;',¤°‘_Q_'*$° Sec. 23. hat in all cases where second entries of land on the Osage Indian trust and diminished reserve lands in Kansas, to which at the time there were no adverse claims, have been made and the law complied with as to residence and improvement, said entries be, and the same are herelgr, confirmed, and in all cases where (persons were actual settlers an residing upon their claims upon said Osage Indian trust and diminished reserve lands in the State of Kansas on the ninth day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy two, and who have made subseqiuent pre—emption entries either upon public or uplpn said Osage ndian trust and diminished reserve lands, upon w ich there were no legal prior adverse claims at the time, and the