FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 706. 1890. 275 ` INTERNATIONAL AMERICAN conmnuucn. icargrgzzakagerggcsmer. To enable the President to carry into eifect the recommendations of the International American Conference so far as he shall deem it expedient, when the same are agreed to by the Governments re re- _ sented in such Conference, or a majority of them, as follows, incl)ud- MQ ing the compensation of translators, co yists, clerks, and other ¤<>{¤v¢¤¤·¤<>¤ <·f employees, ii teen thousand five hundred) dollars; for office rent, eméxigefiis-eL em, stationery, postage, fuel, lights, and other miscellaneous expenses nine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; for the printin and rn¤u¤g,em distribution to the public of the proceedings and reports of the International American Conference, twenty-five thousand dollars; in all, - forty-nine thousand seven hundred and fiftyedollelrs; and such a propriations, or so much thereof as may necessary, shall EE expended under the direction and subject to the approval of the Secretary of State. For com nsation of three commissioners, not more than two of www i¤¤¤¤:¤¤¤i<>¤¤1 whom shahe belong to one apolitical party, to be appointed by the mspmallm. mm President, by and with the vice and consent of the Senate, to con- mf: *'°P*°°°¤*¤· sider the establishment of an international coin or coins,'as recom- Duty. mended by the International American Conference, who shall receive, in lieu of expenses, an allowance of ten dollars per diem compensation. during the time they shall be engaged in the actual performance of their uties ; and for other expenses attending the meeting of such cum- expenses commissioners, fifteen thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction and subject to the aéxproval of the Secretary of State; and the President of the United tates is authorized to invite the Gov- t{l¤vi¢¤¤q¤¤¤¤¤r¤¤i¤ ernments of the several other American Replublics and the Hawai- ge;:: !i•€ ian Kingdom to appoint commissioners for a 'ke pu ose to meet in 1’|ace,etc., ot mesa the city of Washington on the first Wednesday of Tanuary, eight- mg een hundred and ninety-one. For payment of the share of the United States of iallpreliminary Payment for Imam survey for information in respect of a continental rway recom- gmx; °°¤**· mended by the International American Conference, sixty-five thou- ` sand dollars; and in aid of such survey the President is authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, three nu’1'¤¤¤¤_ cvutmbrgir nl members of the Continental Railway Commission, not more than mV3L :;;>l'¤m°i°` two of whom shall belong to one political party, whose compensation P¤¤¤¤¤ mpmsemshall be aid from the common international railway fund as recom- “‘L‘,;m,,,,,,,,,,,_ mended lay the International American Conference; and the Presid_ent may, in addition to civil engineers employed by said commision, and at the re nest of the commission, detai from the Army and N avg umn or in-my me of the United States such officers as, in his discretion, may be spare §;‘;{y_°°¥*¤°°” '°* without detriment to the service, to serve as engineers under such commission in making a surwgey for a continental railway; and officers so detailed may receive, in dition to their lawful pay and allow- Additional compenances, from the common intercontinental railway fun , such com- §,§""°"°““°“ °m‘ pensation in lieu of expenses as may be allowed them by said commission. For the organization and establishment, under the direction of the frnmmuoml Umm Secretary of State, of "The International Union_ of American Re- n°irs, i»l°z`$1; publics for the prompt collection and distribution of commercial ¤¤¤¤¤- information," thirty-six thousand dollars, and the sums contributed by other American Republics for this purpose, when collected, shall be covered into the Treasury. _ _ _ r For the compilation and publication, under the direction of the { ¤¤¤¤v¤i¤z.¤q¤.¤mi- Secretary of State, of a uniform nomenclature of articles of merchan- ,,,°§',Q,,';$,,,‘°*“, ’Q° ii disc exported and imported 111 the Enghshagfanish, and Portuguese g='=· $v•·¤*¤l¤ ¤¤° languages, and provided by the Internatio American Conference, ' ten thousand do lars.