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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/344

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290 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 708, 714. 1890. °e ’*;*{_°g1Q Treasury of the United States shall redeem from the general cash mmm in the Treasury the circulating notes of said banks which may come intohis sion subgect to redemption; and upon the certifcate of the (lomptroller o the Currency that such notes have beenreceived bym im and that they have been destroyed and that no new nammmmz w notes will issued in their place, reimbursement of their amount t'§,_,,,Y'QT,‘j,}',,'{',fk j,?,? shall be made to the Treasurer, under such regulations as the Sec- R¤·i¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤<=¤¤¤¤¤~"' retary of the Treasury mqy prescribe, from an appropriation hereby, created, to be known as ‘ ational bank notes: Redemption account, ”§°g8°&•1;g'l{°s*·§*}f•; but the provisions of this act shall not apply to the delposits received redemption or circu- under section three of the act of June twentieth, eig teen hundred l"°`}‘§f1,_P_m_ and seventy-four, requiring every National bank to keep in lawful money wit the Treasurer of the United States a sum equal to five percentum of its circulation, to be held and used for the redemption of its circulating notes; and the balance remaining of the deposits uonnuy gm at so covered sha , at the close of each month, be re orted on the

 °' monthly péublic debt statement as debt of the United States bearing

no in eres . °¤’“‘“°°· "Sec. 7. That this act shall take edect thirty days from and after its passage." · ` Approved, July 14, 1890. J 12m. CHAP. 714.-—An actright of wa to Little Falls, Mille Lacs, and Lake L Superior Be it enacted IZ? the Senate and House og Representatives q; the Iivvsdlalg Hills United States of mevica in Cogiyress ass led, That there is erejggww by grgnted to the Little {falls, ille Lacs, gud Lake Superiiolr R·ai1- P•¤¥S¤¤u I ° way om an ,acorpora1onorgan1z an e` un er e ws Q mmm of the State of, Minnesota, and its assigns, the right ogway for the con-

 struction of arailroad through the Mille Lacs Indian Reservation in

wma said State. Such right of way shall be seventy-five feet in width on each side of the central line o said railroad, and said company shall also have the right to take from the lands adtjacent to the line of said oeum-ucem maze road, material, stones, and earth necessary or the construction of "“· said railroad; also grounds adjacent for such right of way for stasmmmsm. tion buildings, depots, machine shops, side-tracks, turnouts, and water-stations, not to exceed in amount th-ree hundred feet in width and theiee thousialpd fist in lqngtgi fora each station to the extent of two s ions wi in the imi s o said reservation. And for the purpose of aiding the said company to construct a railroad to the navi able waters of Mille Lacs Lake, or navigable Grantor mann waters connected therewith, there is hereby granted to the said ‘“°"""“’“* Little Falls, Mille Lacs, and Lake Superior Railroad the right to take and use three hundred and twenty acres of the lands in said reservation, to be b said Company selected at some place or point mama on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, on the line of said railroad in said risgmenc ro;-0 gs. State, upon paying to the United States for the use of said Indians QJEEE,such sum as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, not less than one dollar and twenty-five cents for each and every acre thereof, and also whatever amount may be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior for such right and for the dama es arising to any individual Indian Prvvw- for actual improvements which he or they may ave thereon : Provided, That no part of said lands shall be used, directly or indirectly, mvwmnumim for town-sitedpurposes, it being the intention hereof that said land ,,,,.,,°§,,_ "m°“° shall be hel for general railroad purgnoses only, including stockyards, warehouses, elevators, docks, an terminal and other facilities of and for said railroad, but nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any such railroad company from building upon such lands houses for the accommodation of their employees.