292 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 717, 721-723. 1890. ¤xv¤!=¤¤•» ew. made at the cost and explgnse of the owners thereof: Provided, That ' said Leavenworth and latte County Bridge Company shall at its own expense, build and maintain, under direction and supervision of the Secretary of War, such wing-dams and booms or other works Aidsw ¤~vis¤¤¤¤· negslsariy to maintain the channe within the draw span or spans of sai 1-1 . °P¤‘*·*°¤- Sec. 2. Qghat this act shall be in force from and after its approval. Approved, July 25, 1890. _ -7**1%- 18*- CHAP. 721.-An act to amend paragra hthree of section fo -four hundred "`—'__—"` and fourteen of the Revised Statutes. P Ny Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the bollranmionofsfcnm- United States_o_f America in Congress assembled, That paragraph hwg, mmm; three of section forty-four hundred and fourteen of the Revised géguofglng ¤¤ Statutes of the United States be amended as follows: "Strike out r. s, see 4414,'p. the word "Galena" in said paragraph three and insert the word ’“· “Dubuque." Approved, July 26, 1890. July $0, 1800. :22.-—An act granting certain land to Miles City, Montana, for use as a P¤ Pu - Be it enacted lg; the Senate and House 05 Re esentatives of the IilesCity,Mont. United States of merica in Congressass ,»]That all that por-
- f,‘;{‘Qf,{5{’,§,’Q2 tion of the Fort Keogh military reservation lying and being east of
¤¤q¤ cranwi for Tongue River, in the State of Montana, be, and is herebly, with- °°m”p,,,.,;P¤.,.,_ U drawn from military control, and granted to the city of M` es City, Umm Montana, for the perpetual use and benefit of said Miles City and Lmmmm. the inhabitants thereof as a public park, subypct to the right hereby reserved by the United States to use as muc of said granted land as maypbe necessary in operating a ferry or constructing a bridge across ongue River and approaches to such ferry or bridge. ' Approved, July 30, 1890. ·l¤lY $@1600- CHAP. 723.-·-An act to allow the erection of a bridge across the Iowa River be- "`;""' tween the mouth of said river and the town of Wapello, in Louisa County, Iowa. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the mum County. United Statesof America in Congress assem led, hat, subject to the {§1§·m$,,# laws of the State of Iowa, the supervisors of Louisa County, in said v¤v*{,<$g:¤·md fm State, may erect and maintain a wagon and foot passenger bridge m-mp. across an over the Iowa River, between the mouth of said river and No unwrqumi. the town of Wapello, in Louisa County, in said State; and in said bridge no draw shall be required. smmrmglwum Sec. 2. The brid e authorized to be constructed by this act shall ‘*’*"°""’ °'°‘ be located and buii under and subject to such regulations as may be approved by the Secretary of War; and there shall be submitted to DSGI Secretary, for his examination, a design and drawings of the bridge, piers, approaches, and accessory works, and a map of the location; and until said plan is a roved by the Secretary of War su-ucuu-s1 changes, the construction of said brid e shdlfnot be commenced. No changes °“* or alterations in the plans of said bridge, as approved by the Secretary of War, shall be made during the construction of the same, or after its completion, unless said changes or alterations are authorized Expense. by said Secretarv; and all such alterations or changes reguired by lum shall be made at the expense of the supervisors of said county.