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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/348

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294 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 724. 1890. twenty dollars; one messenger clerk, six hundred dollars; one messenger, four hundred and eighty dollars; three watchmen. at four hundred and eighty dollars each; one chief inspector of plumbing, two thousand dollars; two assistant inspectors of plumbing, at one thousand dollars each; one harbor master, one thousand two hun- _ dred dollars; for rent of property yards, one thousand dollars; in all, forty-three thousand and seventy-seven dollars. CONTINGENT EXPENSES. °°¤**¤8°¤* °*· For contingent expenses of the government of the District of Co- Ilumbia, namely: For printing, checks, books, stationery, detection of frauds on the revenue, re airs of market-houses, painting, binding, rebinding, repairing and) preservation of records, books and repairs of books for register of wills, maintaining and keeping in good order the laboratory and apparatus in the ofdces of the inspector of gas and meters and inspector of Asphalt and cement, damages, care of horses not otherwise provided for, horseshoeing, fuel, ice, gas, repairs, insurance, repairs to pound and vehicles, and other general necessary expenses of District offices, including the sinking—fund oince, health department, and police court, twenty-three thousand Appmioumeut. and eighty dollars; and the Commissioners shall so apportion this sum as to prevent a deficiency therein. mg;Kgu°;fes clggvenf For contingent expenses of stables of the Engineer Department, ’including forage, livery of horses, shoeing, purchase and repair of · vehicles, purchase and repair of harness, blankets, lap-robes, purchase of horses, whi s, oil, brushes, combs, spon es, chamois-skins, buckets, halters, jacks, rubber boots and coats, medicines, and other Expenditure liullwi necessary articles and expenses, six thousand dollars; and no expend- ‘ iture on account of the Engineer Department for the items named in _ · this paragraph shall be made from any other fund. Rem- For rent 0 District offices, three thousand six hundred dollars. G¢¤¢¤l ·¤l*ml¤l¤G· For general advertising, three thousand dollars.

 <>r wills- To enable the register of wills to complete the reproduction of the

Repmducdou or oid old administration and guardian dockets, prior to eighteen hundred °°°k"”" ""‘°‘ and seventy-nine, including clerical service and purchase of books, mm t { _ d_ foirir hundeped and fiftgdollpri. { h ’¤'%¤ ° m " o ay ie register o wi s or re aring apers in connec ion wit gem boysm Nm" the ali) ointment of guardians to gnalble indi)gent boys to enlist in the United) States Navy, as provided by law, one hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. “°°”°"“ °”‘°°· Fon AssESsoR`s Orman: For one assessor, three thousand dollars; two assistant assessors, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one special assessment clerk, one thousand seven hundred dollars; one c erk, one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks at one thousand dollars each: one clerk. in charge of records, one thousand dollars; one license clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; one inspector of licenses, one thousand two hundred dollars ; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one assistant or clerk, nine hundred dollars; one clerk and messen er, nine hundred dollars; in all seventeen thousand three hundred dohars. ·*"'°°"“°““°°»°‘°· To enable the assessor to prepare and complete within the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-one. a book showin all existing arrears of taxes on real property due the District of Columbia inpluding the payment of necessary clerical force, three thousand dollars. C°“°°‘°"“ °*”°°· FOR COLLEcTOR’s 0F1v10E: For one collector, four thousand dold`f·;;llg{, gms? lars; one cashier, one thousand eight hundred dollars, and such nmamuee. cashier shall hereafter, in the necessary absence or inabilitv of the collector, from an cause, erform his duties without any additional Ca-skiers bond compensation; and the collector may require the said cashier to give bon for the faithful performance of such duties during the absence