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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/358

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304 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 724. 1890. blacksmithin , labor, as, and other necessary items, eight thousand d0l.l8.1‘S; in ali thirty-five thousand six hundred dollars. N¤*¤‘¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- For purchase of site and erection of a truck house in a central location, and necessary furniture, twenty-two thousand dollars. l’M¤:¤¤1¤¤•ndwx¤· TELEGEAPH AND TELEPHONE SERVICE. For one superintendent, one thousand six hundred dollars; one electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars ; three telegraph operators, at one thousand dollars each; three telephone operators; at six hundred dollars each; one expert repairman, nine hundred and sixty dollars; two repairmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; tvs;) llabogersl, gtufour hundred dollars each; in all, ten thousan ei t un re dollars. Suprlbl- For general supplies, repairs, new batteries and battery supplies, telephone rental, wire, extension of the telegraph and telep one service, repairs of lines, purchase of poles, insulators, brackets, pins, hardware, cross—arms, gas, fuel, ice, record books, stationery, rinting, office-rent, purchase of harness, washing, blacksmithing, gouge, eixiga labor, new boxes, and other necessary items, eight thousand ollars. . · ·f'*"°"'*""""‘*'*"*“· The President of the United States is hereby authorized to argwoint licudct electrical. a board consisting of three persons, one of whom shall be an rmy

°°°°“’ en `neer, skilled in electrica matters, one a civil engineer, of known

skiql and ex erience in Municipal en 'neering, and one an expert nam. electrician otp high repute: Promded, HTM not more than one mem- _ ¤¤¤i*·¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ M ber shall be a resident of the District of Columbia; and no member '°°‘°°"°°’°°°‘ ‘ shall be in the employ of any electrical Company, or shall have any interest in the business or securities of such company, or be interested in anylpatent for any form of conduit or subway, or device Duties. pertaining thereto. The said board shall consider the ocation, arrangement and o ration of electric wires in the District of Columbia, whether usedlxbr to be used, for electric lighting, transmission of power, telegraphy, telephony, or signalling, with a view to seobjms. curing, as soon as practicable, the construction of a safe and convenient system of conduits or subways, the placing therein of all necessary electric wires aloplg the streets, avenues and other public spaces, and the removal of unused overhead wires and their suprts. To this end, the board, will, as soon as practicable, and not R¤m>¤r¤· litter than December nrst, eighteen hundred an ninety-one, report tg tléef Presiderétb who shallspilamit the same to the first session of t e i t -secon on ess, as o ows: ?,¤*P'°°° °Y¤*¢¤¤ °' First. yRecommend£ons for a complete system of conduits or sub- Il ays,etc. . . . ways, with all suitable branches, connections, and appurtenances for the safe and efficient operation therein of the necessary cables and gondpgdtogs; such recpmmendtations shpll be accompanied by maps, etai rawings an es ima es o cos . Qmww Second. Opinion as to whether the conduits or subways should be built, owned and operated by private corporations or individuals, sub'wt to public control, or constructed and maintained by public authority, and leased to companies or individuals. If the atter, relcomémenldation bp} rlngde as ppghe terms and conditions upon w IC suc eases s ou execu . °°°“*”°“°”· °°°· Third. Also recommendations concerning the construction, location, operation, and maintenance, of under-ground cables and conductors carrying currents of different intensities, with a viewto promote the plublic safet , and to secure the most convenient and eHic1ent useilef suc cables and? conductors, and the appliances cormected there- W1 . gmx ‘*P°¤ Fourth. Recommendations as to the restrictions, if any, which should be imposed by law, upon the character and intensity of electric currents conveyed by conductors situated over or under the pub-