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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/360

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306 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 724. 1890. Iurmnusr AND Smxme FUND. fugwmmnnmz For interest and sinking fund on the funded debt, exclusive_ of ‘ water bonds, one million two hundred and thirteen thousand nme hundred and forty-seven dollars and ninety-seven cents. ‘ Emmnemmv FUND. E'°“!°°°Y '¤¤°· To be expended only in case of emergency such as riot, pestilence, - calamity by flood or nre, and of like character, and in all other cases of emergency not otherwise sufficiently provided for, five thousand mam. dollars: Provided, That in the purchase of all articles provided for rmensses limitedto in this act no more than the market price shall be paid for any such ’”“""‘“‘ "“°°* "“‘ articles, and all bids for any of such articles above the market price _ shall be rejected. pgeyggwwm ·¤¤ Fon Rmronmaromns AND Piusous.

 °‘ Tnusronrarrou or Pxurmzs AND Piusomuns; For transportation of (pauplers and conveying prisoners to the workhouse, four

` thousan dollars. W•¤*•*¤8*°¤ *¤*¤¤··_ Fon WASHINGTON ASYLUM: For one intendant, one thousand two hundred dollars; one matron, six hundred dollars; one visiting physician, one thousand and eighty dollars; one resident physician, four hundred and eight dollars; one clerk, six hundred dollars; one baker, four hun red and twenty dollars; one overseer, at eight hun- _ dred dollars; five overseers, at six hundred dollars each; one engineer, six hundred dollars; one assistant engineer, three hundred and fifty dollars; one second assistant engineer, three hundred dollars; five watchmen, at three hundred an sisjtydive dollars each; one blacksmith, three hundred dollars; one h er and ambulance driver, two hundred and forty dollars; one female keeper at workhouse, at three hundred dollars; one female keeper at workhouse, at one hundred and eighty dollars; three cooks, at one hundred and twent dollars each; two cooks, at sixty dollars each; one trained nurse, fourliundred and twenty dollars; four nurses, at sixty dollars each; one tailor, three huadred ollars; in all, thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifteen o ars. °°°“”F°”*°’P°°'°* For contingent expenses including im rovements and re airs, provisions, fuel, forage, lumber, shoes, clodhing, dry goods, hardware, medicines, repairs to tools, cars, tracks, steam-heating and cooking alpparatus, painting and other necessary items and services, forty-five thousand dollars. ` MQ?} "°’“’°‘"° For raising magazine building two stories and fitting it for female workhouse, twenty thousand do lars. ,,,,*‘,_‘},§"°"‘*‘°"“° “‘ For constructing addition, with bathinig appliances, at male workhouse, five thousand eight hundred and fty ollars. For new roof for mais workhouse, five hundred and fifty dollars. For new ward, four thousand two hundred dollars. ,,§,'f"'*"°"“""""*‘ That all of that portion of Reservation Thirteen lying six hundred feet east of the east curb line of Nineteenth street east and south of the south line of B street south be transferred to the control of the commissioners of the District of Columbia for the punépose of the burial of the indigent dead of the District, to be an ad ition to the present burial grounds of the Washington Asylum. R“°*’"‘ S°h°°'· FOR REFORM Sci-1001.; For one superinten ent, one thousand Eve hundred dollars ; assistant superintendent, nine hundred dollars ; teachers and assistant teachers, three thousand Eve hundred dollars; matron of school. six hundred dollars; three matrons of families, at one hundred and eightv dollars each; superintendent of chair sho , ` six hundred and sixty dollars; farmer. four hundred and eighty dollars; engineer, three hundred and ninety-six dollars; one assistant