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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/362

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308 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 724. 1890. Snint Amrs Infant For Saint Ann’s Infant Asylum, six thousand five hundred dollars. ‘é,",,,£§"§;,0,.,;,,,,A,,. For the German Orphan Asylum, six thousand dollars. hgémh G I For maintenance of the Church Orphanage Association of Saint ` gollids Parish of the District of Colum ia, one thousand five hundred o ars. Foundlinc Hcspiw. For the Washington Hospital for Foimdlings, for maintenance, seven thousand do lars. .w·$¢;•:;il¤I*i°¤ f" For Association for Works of Mercy, for maintenance and re- ` pairs, two thousand dollars, and to complete purchase of lot, six A tihppsand and forty-two dollars; in all, eight thousand and forty-two o ars. nmmpuueucspi- For the National Homeopathic Hospital Association of Washing- “L ton, District of Columbia, for maintenance, six thousand dollars; for payment of balance of purchase money, three thousand dollars; and for payment of floating indebtedness, three thousand dollars; in all twelve thousand dollars. m`§g°g’g;*°_ *`°”*P°" H Fog mainteréaplcp of the National Temperance Home, two thousand - ve undred o rs.

 MW For Saint Rose Industrial School, for payment of indebtedness

and comipletion of building, two thousand five hundred dollars. m£p•>1•:•&¤! the Gwri Fgri House of the G Shepherd, for maintenance, three thou- ‘· san dollars. _ ¤¤¤*¤' D*¤P°”¤•*’-Y For the erection and completion of a building for the Central Dis- ~;i°:nF°° g I Hu. pensary and Emergency Hospital on ground owned by the hospital on Fifteenth street, thirty thousand dollars. vwbmgwmbgihwgw For expenses attending the instruction of deaf and dumb pprsons °' ‘ admitted to the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dum from é B-- ••°- *’“· P- from the District of Columbia, under section forty-eight hundred sud sixty-four of the Revised Statutes, ten thousand ve hundred o ars. M That for the urpose of securing a more uitable and efficient ex-

 “’ penditure of the several sums appropriatidl "for charities" there

shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, as soon as mafy be after the passage of this act, qusnsmmns. some thorough] experienced an otherwise suitable person, not a nwgsmes. resident of the Igistrict of Columbia, to be designated superintendent mm ma powers of charities for the District of Columbia, whose duty it shall be to formulate for the purposes of the expenditures for charities in said District such a system or plan of organized charities for said District as will by means of consolidation, combination, or other direction, in his judgment, best secure the objects contemplated by the several institutions and associations for which such appropriations are made, and for the other charitable work of the District, with the least interference each with the other, or misapplication of effort or expenditure, and without duplication of charita le work or expenditure ; and all such appropriations shall be expended for the urposes indicated, under the general direction of said superintendbnt, and ¤*¤**•*¤· in conformity, as near as may be, with such system or plan, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia. And it shall also be the duty of said superintendent, to examine into the character of the administration of said institu- .tions and associations, and the condition, sufficiency, and needs of the buildings occupied for such charitable purposes, and also to ascertain in each case the amount contributed from private sources for support and construction, the number of paid employees, and the number of inmates received and benefited by the sums appropriated Rwpm¤¤¤¤d•¤¤¤¤· by Congress, and to recommend such changes and modifications therein as in his jud ent will best secure economy, efficiency, and the highest attainabdglresults in the administration of charities in R¤v¤¤¤· the District of Columbia. And said superintendent, shall from time to time, report in detail to the Commissioners of the District, who shall communicate the same with their estimates for appropriations