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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/364

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310 FIFTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 724. 1890. dollars; four engineers, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; one engineer (Sunday), at one hundred and fifty-six dollars; one _ blacksmith, at seven hundred and nfty dollars; two plumbers, at seven hundred and fift dollars each; two assistant machinists, at six hundred dollars each; one property·kee er, at six hundred dollars; six firemen, at seven hundred and thirty dollars each; two flushers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; one driver, at four hundred and eighty dollars; one watchman, at four hundred .and eighty dollars; one hostler, at four hundred eighty dollars; one caulker, at seven hundred and thirty dollars; and three laborers, at U¤¤¤*i°¤ five hundred dollars each; and for not to exceed at any time two inspectors on manufacture of cast-iron pi e, at a maximum rate of four dollars per day for such periods as their services may be actpallyhnecpssgry, (pne thousand ddollars; in all, thirty-nine thousand ` our un re an seventy-two ol ars. ¤<>¤¤¤s¤¤¤¤¥P¤¤¤¤=’~ For contingent expenses, including books, blanks, stationery, foragle, advegtgingé prg1ti(p% apd other necessary items and services two thousand ve un re dollars.

  • `“°*· ’°P°*'“· °""· For fuel, repairs to boilers, machinery, and umping stations,

pipe distribution to high and low service, material for high and low service, including public hfydrants and fire plugs, and labor in repair- M¤*¤S·*>*°· ing, replacing, raising an lowering mains, laying new mains and - connections, and erecting nreplugs and public hydrants, sixty-two U¤¤¤r¤¤:&•gdb¤1¤¤¤¤ thousand dollars, together wit the unexpended balance of the ap- "°“"`°’ ‘ propriation for engineers and firemen, fue ,,material for high service in Washington and Georgetown, pipe distribution to high and low service, including public hydrants, fire-plugs, material and labor, repairing and layingrnew mains, and lowering mains, for the fiscal year eighteen hun ed and niuepylhwhich unexpfmded balance Mm- is hereby reappropriated: Provided, t one-half the cost of laying New mm the new water main from K street northwest along Fourteenth street ‘ B¤1¤ym¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤¢¤- to B street southwest, including_ necessary connections, as rovided v°1·5yP·&· in the act approved July eighteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty- eight, be repaid from the revenues of the Waterdepartment for the fiscal year eiglhteen hundred and ninety, and the other half from the _ revenues of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-one. m1;gr¤st sndsiukins thFor inferesg ang sénkigg fugduon water-stock bonds, forty-four ‘ thousand six un re an en dollars. For interest on account of increasing the water-supply, as provided WL =°2·!» *7**- in the act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eig ty-two, thirty- one thousand eight hundred and nine dollars and forty-four cents. For sinking fund on account of increase of water-suppl , under Ibid- act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, fifty-three thousand and fifteen dollars and seventy-four cents. ,, "{“"*°“‘ Ssc. 2. That said Commissioners sha not make recpiisitions upon the appropriations from the Treasury of the Unite States for a larger amount during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety- one than they make on the appropriations arising from the revenues, incluging drawback certificates of said District. °*§°,,',,'},_,*’}',,,,$’f‘:,°§’,,",§ Sm . 3. That any street railroad complany in the District of Colum- 5E8vo2g; exch bia authorized to run cars drawn by orses, which has changed or ¤,v.·,,?.,.,,;_° · m may change its mt five power on any of its lines now constructed, to cable or electricity, or change its rails in accordance with the pro- ¤*·‘°¤*°*¤°*°*P*'*°°· visions of law, shall have the right to issue and sell, at the market ‘ price thereof, stock of said company to an amount necessary to cover the cost of making said changes. the cost of said changes and the usggg ¤***°¤°¤° *0 amount of said stock sold, together with the price per share, to be C fullv set forth, under the oath of the President of said Company, and mg‘;,'}‘iiP,§,‘?°§,°mf,°8,°°,,{f,;·; filed with the Commissioners of the District. And any company pggsgegxg. Mrws ¤¤ $la1fingi ifgsclf of the; }?I£11V`ll€g€S hereén granted shall wiviithui two ygari, _ _ o y 1 use wi orses as mo ive power on a r -1ons o 1 s u;;;" *° *’° “""°‘*‘ lme and substitute therefor the power provided for in the act making