FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 803, 804. 1890. 329* CHAP. 803.-An act extendin the time of a ment to hasers of land of the Omaha tribe of Indians in Nebragra, and for othe-it p Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That the Secretary sm of portion or of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ex- $,°,{‘Qff,}§fN]f,‘,§’f.P“ "“°‘"` tend the time of payments of the purchase money due for land sold {Time <gmv·¤v¤¤¤¤¤¤- on the Omaha Indian reservation under the sales made by virtue of gmliiitce. m°°°y "An act to provide for the sale of a part of the reservation of the Omaha tribe of Indians in the State of Nebraska, and for other purposes," approved August seventh, eighteen hundred and eight -two, vo1.22,p.w. as follows: The time for the first payment is hereby extended, until me payment. the iirst day of December, eighteen hundred and ninet -four, the sec- Second payment. ond payment to become due in one year thereafter, and, the third pay- mm psy-menu. ment to be due and payable in one year from the time fixed for the second payment: Provided, That the interest on said payments shall hwwos. be paid annually at the time said payments of interest are due; and m{,',§°,§{°”° °" ’°" the Secretary of the Treasury shal retain in the Treasury all moneys F¢*&¤¤i{_>i*1;cg¤p_’f*¤¤+ heretofore and that may hereafter be ppid as principal under the act um P ' approved August seventh, eighteen undre and eighty-two, and V<>1-22.v-841- s all pay over five per centum thereof annually to the Secretary of Five per ¤¤!¤¤¤ the Interior, to be leépended by him annually for the beneiit of said {,Y,T‘“I,'{ldj,¤'°ff”°"°‘t“'° Indians, as prescri in section three of said act, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay all interest that has been paid on land sold under said act to the rotary of the Interior, to be yhim paid over to said tribe, to bedistributed to the members thereo pro rata by the fvkérigggiogdwgm agent of said tribe, and all interest hereafter coming into the Treas- ° `" °° ' ury shall be paid over and distributed to said tribe annually in like ( manner: An provided, That the said act of August sevent , eight- een hundred and eighty-two, except as changed or modified by this $,{,“,§,m$,,0d,‘j§,f°§;* act, shall remain in ful force and effect. this wt Sec. 2. That any entryman who has taken less than one hundred Rights of certain and sixty acres of land on this reservation and has made payments $E$§¥{§§f;t§0’§‘{{§},‘,;",§ on the same according to law, may (purchase, at the appraised price '¤*d¤· " and upon the conditions prescribe in the act of August seventh, vo1.m,p.s41. eighteen hundred and eighty-two, such additional lands lyin(g contiguous to the lands include in his original entry as he may esire: Provided, That the land so purchased, together with the and in- Province. cluded in his original entry, s all in no case exceed one hundred and Llmitof purchase. sixty acres: And provided further, That no forfeiture shall be deemed uml, of f,,,,,,,,,,, to have been incurred on account of the failure to make the pay- ;g;¤g¤¢¤¤¤= in my- ments on said lands that were due July first, eighteen hundred and ` ninety, under the act of August seventh, eighteen undred and eighty- vn1.¤,p.:m. two, and acts amendatory thereof. Approved, August 19, 1890. CHAP. 804.-An act to ratify and confirm an agreement entered into by com- August 19, 1851). missioners on the part of the States of New York and Pennsylvania, in relation ——-—-·— to the boimdary line between said States. VVhereas commissioners duly atppointed on the part of the State of rmmme. New York and commissioners uly appointed on the part of the State of Pennsylvania for the purpose o settling and remarking the boundary line between said States did execute an agreement in the words following, namely: " First. The channel of the Delaware River, from a line drawn across said channel, from a granite monument erected u n the eastern bank of said river in the year eighteen hundred andpcfdghty- two, by the joint boundary commission of the States of New Jersey and New York to mark the western extremity of the boundary line between the States of New Jersey and New York, in a westerly pro-
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