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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/388

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334 FIFTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 806. 1890. Crawfish S rings to Lee and Gordon’s Mills; seventh, the road from Ringold, Gjeorgia, to Reed’s Bridge on the Chickamauga River; eighth, the roads from the crossing of Lookout Creek across the northern slope of Lookout Mountain and thence to the old Summertown Road and to the valley on the east slopp of the said mountain, ~ and thence by the route of General J oselph ooker’s troops to Rossville, Georgia, and each and all of these erein described roads shall, · 'i'ommaintroapuNic after the passage of this act, remain open as free public highways, ¥"§§;,°g'“(;, uy_ and all rights of way now existing through the grounds of the said park and its approaches shall be continu . Gondmcqs Sec. 2. That upon the ceding of jurisdiction by the legislature of the J“'m”°"”"‘ State of Georgia, and the report of the Attornely-Genera of the United rms. States that a perfect title has been secured un er the provisions of the v¤1.zs,p.:m. act approved August nrst, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled lgggdvdmslgiw <>f "An act to authorize condemnation of land for sites of public build- °°ings, and for other purposes," the lands and roads em raced in the area bounded as herein described, together with the roads described W"- in ection one of this act, are hereby declared to be a national park, N¤¤¤¢·¤¤=· to be known as the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National ark; II>¤•¤’¤1>¤·>¤ ¤¢ ¤¤¤— that is to sa , the area inclosed y a line beginning on the Lafayette m` or State road, in Georgia, at a point where the bottom of the ravine P¢>•¢.p.sn8. next north of the house known on the field of Chickamauga as the Cloud House and being about six hundred yards north of said house, due east to the Chickamauga River and due west to the intersection of the Dry Vallgy road at MOF8Il8Dd,S Gap; thence along the west side of the Dry alley and Crawfish Springs roads to thesouth side of the road from Crawiish Spggs to Lee and Gordon’s Mills- thence along the south side of the named road to Lee and Gordon' Mills· thence along the channel of the Chickamauga River to the line forming the northern boundagy of the park, as-"hereinbefore Amqe. described, containing seven thousan six hundred acres, more or less. namqmmn Sec. 3. That the said Chickamauga and Chattanooga National g°;,c”,$,;'f,}',y“'§,’,°;?,P,j‘}.f"°‘ Park, and the approaches thereto, shall be under the control of the Secretary of War, and it shall be his dugy, immediately after the Pmceedings in an passa e of this act to notify the Attorney eneral of the purpose of °""'“‘°‘°"‘ the I§nited States to aceiuire title to the roads and lands described in the previous sections o this act under the provi ions of the act of V¤¤¤.r-¤¤7- August first, eighteen hundred and eiglhty-eight; and the said Secretary, upon receiving notice from the Attorne -General of the- United States that perfect titles have been secured, to the said lands mnuuunmm and and roads shall at once proceed to establish and substantially mark §',{“"" °' ”°“"°" the boundaries of the said park. Amcgmigg WM Sec. 4. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to enter iil°»`::§¤¤,em, into agreements, upon such nominal terms as he may prescribe, with such present owners of the land as may desire to remain upon it to oomuueu or ¤¤¤u· occupy and cultivate their present holdings, upo11 condition that they '°'"”‘ will preserve the present buildings and roads, and the present outlines of field and forest, and that they will only cut trees or underbrush under such regulations as the Secretary mgly prescribe, and that they will assist in caring for and protecting l tablets, monuments, or such other artificial works as may from time to time be erected by lproper authority.

rw!¤v;g¤"§¤f¤¤ _ Sec. 5. at the affairs of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga Na-

'tional Park shall, subject to the supervision and direction of the 0<>mpc¤ick>¤.<=¤=..ct Secretary of War, be in charge of three commissioners, each of °°"‘“““"°"‘ whom shall have actively participated in the battle of Chickamauga or one of the battles about Chattanooga, two to be appointed from civil life by the Secretary of War, an a third, who shalhbe detailed by the Secretary-of War from among those officers of the Army best acquainted wit the details of the battles of Chickamauga and

 °’ °°'“‘ Chattanooga, who shall act as Secretary of the Commission. The

omce. said comnussioners and Secretary shall have an office in the War