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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/498

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444 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. ¤¤•*¤**¤‘·¥*¤ Improving Leaf Riwipr, Mimigsgppi, from its mouth to the mouth f Bowie Creek, Eve thousand dollars. uga Block River. 0 Improving Big Black River, Mississippi: The sum of five thou- · Appmpi.a0¤.¤n. sand dollars, heretofore appropriated for the improvement of this river, may be expended in the improvement of said river, notwith- V<>L¤¤m-¤¤- standing the proviso écontained in the act of eighteen hundred and eighty-six makin said appro riation. heyy}! Nw, {Ld Immmiiing Amite Biveiéland Bayou Mapchgcggnguipiana Egomple- · .t' ro'ect, t ree thousand ei t un dollars: · m:' , AB<*¤¤¤¤¤`- Thlltothis sd)m `inay be expended upongthe Manchac or Amite in such proportions as the `engineers may deem best. B<>¤¤fR·**¤¤‘·¤· hImpro(yi(pg1Boeuf River, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. ugpipn mdB·g:¤1<> Improving Bayou Bgrthollomewhléopfsiana and Arkansas: Con- ‘tinuing im rovement. ve thousand dollars. ‘ B—**Y°¤ °°¤'°*'>l°°“· Improvid) Bayou Courtableau, Louisiana: Completing improve- ·—·~ i ment, two thousand two hundred dollars. _ _ ¤¤•r¤¤ D’A¤¤>¤¤¤· Improving Bayoé1d1%3Arbonne, Louisiana: Continuing unprovement, two thousand dollars. m'*;’0”j’;.¤f_'°,;‘“ _ Improving Tensas River and Bayou Macon, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, five thousand do _1ars. ’¤¢¤¤W R*"¤’· I4- d lgnproving Tickfaw River, Louisiana: To complete, one thousand o ars.

 hIm)proving· Btalyous Rgnideyvay and Vidal, Louisiana: Re-opening

o ayou, one thousand dollars. Lf¤Y°“ *"**1“°m*¤°· Improviplg BayouhPlaque1n5inE, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, one undred thousand dollars. uhm !·•f¤¤¤=\¤•» Improving Bayou Lafourche, Louisiana, including immediate ‘ drpdging to secure llgw wat? mhgadonhnfgyéxhomanhdollailmit P¤i1¤*¤*. 1·¤- Md mproving Red 'ver, ouisiana an r ansas, m u on, ML Arkansas, to the Atchafalaya River: Continuing improvement, one . hundred thousand dollars, of which fifteen thousand dollars shall be used in the work at Alexandria, twenty thousand dollars in deepening and widening that portion of the river known as Little River, from the Scoping Cut off to Knox Point, and five thousand dollars ip] closing) wlllatfishcalled the Salcéland Murphy Outlet, or canal, on t e west an o the river a ove reve or . S“"'°Y- For completion of surve of Red Rifler from Fulton, Arkansas, to the Ato iafalaya River. Louisiana, twenty eight thousand dollars. "·’°“ ""°"°·'·“· Immiovilpg Blayou Tgcéiefl Louisiana, from the mouth to Saint Martinsvi e, ve t o san dollars. B°S¤¤C¤°¤>· ¤· Improving Bogus Chitto, Louisiana, five thousand dollars; to be expended lfrom gs mouth to where the first bridge obstructing naviati n is ocate . B§g$_Q§,&*° °”‘ g Ixiiproving Tchefuncte and Bogue Phalia: For removal of snags, trees, and obstructions, one thousand dollars. _ _ _ °““°°"°“·'°" t Impreiving} Buifaéod Bayou, Texas : Continuing 1mprovement, w . t - t rs. °°‘” B°’°“· T°* Ehmowfihg h33E? Bayod, Texas, by removal of bar at the mouth of said bayou. there emptigs int3>1Gaév;stondB2éy Cguppleting 1m- provement, eig then thousand one un r an y dollars. T""‘"" m"°"·T°" thImprogi(pg1Trihity River, Texas: Continuing improvement, ten ousan o rs. h? “"°“ ‘““ The Secretaliy of War is hereby directed to cause a survey to be Survefv ima mg made of Cypress Bayou and the lakes between J etferson, Texas. and K"; °" l°°°'“ '“‘ Shreveport, Louisiana, in order to ascertain if the navigatwn of the said bayou and lakes can be materially and permanently improved by the constrgction of such dams, and lockialnfl dams, las may bg necessary, an if found racf ble the pro a e cost thereof, an for this pprpose the sum bf tellzathousand dollars, or so much thereof as may necessary, is hereby appropriated.