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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/509

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. 455 shall be deemed a separate offense. Every person and every cor- rmmumenerer weporation which shall be guilty of creatin or continuing any such ”“‘°"· unlawful obstruction in this act mentionecf or who shall violate the provisions of the last four preceding sections of this act, shall be A··f¢.1>1>-453·“4· eemed lguilty of a misdemeanor, an on conviction thereof shall be pumshe by_a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment (in the case of a natural person) not exceeding one year, or by both such punishments, in the discretion of the court, the creating or continuing of an unlawful obstruction in this act men- Prevention, ew., by tioned may be prevented and such obstruction may be caused to be ""j“”°"°“‘ removed by the injunction of any circuit court exercising jurisdic- Jurisdiction. tion in any district in which such obstruction ma be threatened or may exist; and proper proceedings in equity to this end may be in- mwum. ggpted under the irection of the Attorney-General of the United es. Sec. 11. That it shall be the duty of officers and agents having momma:. the supervision, on the part of the United States, of the works in progress for the preservation and improvement of said navifgable waters, and, in their absence, of the United States collectors o customs and other revenue officers to enforce the provisions of this act by givin information to the district attorney of the United States for the efstrict in which any violation of any provision of this act shall have been committed: Provided, That the provisions of this Prvviso. act shall not apply to Torch Lake, Houghton County, Michigan. Torchbskeexempt- Sec. 12. That section twelve of the river and harbor act of August °";,,,,_ ,5, ,,_ 4u_ eleventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, be amended and re-en- ¤=¤<=¤•1<¤¤.¤¢¤- acted so as to read as follows : - ‘ Where it is made manifest to the Secretary of War that the estab- Harbor-lines. lishment of harbor-lines is essential to the preservation and protection of harbors, he may, and is hereby authorized, to cause such _ lines to be established, beyond which no piers, wharves, bulk-heads or other works shall be extended or deposits made, except under such regulations as may bznprescribed from time to time by him; and any person who shalllfully violate the provisions of t is section, or any rule or regulation made by the Secretary of War in pursuance of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdeamor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punish by a fine not exceeding one Punishment 1o»v1e thousand dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, at the *°“°¤· discretion of the court for each offense. Sec. 13. That for the purpose of securing the uninterrupted work su;-mu on one of o rating snag-boats on the Ohio River and removing snags, m'°"· mee;, and other obstruplticgnls ip spiél river, the Slecreltary (gl Wag u n the a lication of the ie o ngineers, is ere y au oriz A ¤ mr, tcpdraw hisihltarrant or requisition from time to time upon the Secre- "· tary of the Treasury for such sums as maylbe necessary to do such work, not to exceed m the aggregate for eac lyear the sum of twenty- five thousand dollars: Provide , however, hat an itemized state- rmm. ment of said expenses shall accompany the annual report of the Chief Report. of Engineers. _ _ Sec. 14. That the dry dock constructed at the Des Moines Rapids me names mpm Canal under the provisions of acts of Congress approved August °*'**‘**'-Yd°°*· second, eighteen hundred and eifghty-two, July lift , eighteen hun- ven p. mi; mi dred and eight -four-, August ii th, eighteen undred and eighty. gv- 146: *0*- et v- eix, and August eleventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eéght, shall v¤n.¤,p.m. be considered an integrant part of the Des Moines Rapi s anal, and the act of Congress 3ppl'0VGd March third, Bight0e1I hundred and ve|,m,p,4·r5, eight, -ene, which rovides for expenses of operating and care of O,,,.,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,, Des Moines Ra idle and other canals, and_ the act of Congress ap rgvgd Julv iigth, eighteen h11Bdl'9d mid 9lghtY·foi1l', which 1‘O- v0;_¤_p_;4g_ v1d)es penalties for violation of rules and regulations by vmmm or rules, the Secretary of War, shall also apply to the said dry ock. °*°·