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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/514

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460 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. uma. Mama. MKennebec River, from Waterville to steam-boat wharf at Augusta, aine. Sullivan Falls, Hancock County, Maine, with a view to its improvement for navigation. Lubec channel. Harbor of Bluehill, with especial reference to the removal of the ledges known as Middle Ground, eastern and western. Penobscot River. · Pepperell Cove, forming the eastern boundary of Portsmouth Lower Harbor. Michigan. MICHIGAN. Sebewaing River, with a view of deepening the channel from the mouth to the village of Sebewaing to the depth of eight feet. Corsica Shoal, situated at the lower end of Lake Huron, near the entrance to the Saint Claire River, with a view to its removal. The American channel of the Detroit River, beginning at the western boundary of the city of Detroit, and from thence continu- _ ously in American waters to Lake Erie, with a view to deepening said channel to the same depth as has been attained and is contemplated under present plan in the Canadian channel of said river, the said survey to be made in the channel of said river fronting the towns of Springwells Ecorse, Monquaglon, and Brownstown, and the American shore of said river to suc a point in Lake Erie as may be necessary to reacha proper depth of water in said lake to plorrgsppnd with the increased epth 0 the river contemplated by 1S . Rouge River, with a view of locating and constructing basin in said river, at a point on the samewithin four miles of its junction with the Detroit River, convenient for the turning and anchoring of vessels in the same. Ship-channel twenty feet in depth and of a suitable width in the shallows of the connecting waters of the lakes between Chicago, Duluth, and Buffalo. Grand River, below Grand Rapids, with a view of determining the existence or non-existence of underlying rock, the hydraulics o tihe river and the detailed topography o the valley subject to overow. Re-survey and re·location of harbor line in Portage Lake, Hough- {1011 County, Michigan, in conformity with the provisions of recent aw. Ihmescta. MINNESOTA. Red River and tributaries above Fergus Falls and Crookston, and of Big Stone Lake, with a view to improving navigation thereon by the erection of suitable dams or by such other means as may be deemed best, together with an estimate of the cost. - The Saint Louis River from Grassy Point in Saint Louis Bay to Fond du Lac, or the State line between Minnesota and Wisconsin. www mssomu. Current River, from Van Buren, Missouri, to its mouth. Missouri River, from the old mouth of the Platte River, Little Point, to a point o osite the city of Leavenworth. Also of the . river at the city of Speston, Missouri, with a view of returning said giver to its ancient channel, and the best plan of accomplishing the me.